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Mom Quotations

Mom quotations. Find, read, and share Mom quotations. These are the best examples of Mom quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said, You told me not you drink and drive, Mom, So i drank sprit instead I felt really proud inside, Mom, The way you said I would. I didn?t drink and drive, Mom, Even though the others said i should I know i did the right thing, Mom I know you are always right. Now the party is finally ending, Mom, As everyone drives out of sight. As i got into my car, Mom, I knew i would get home in one piece Because of the way you raised me, Mom, So responsible and sweet. I started to drive away, Mom, But as I pulled onto the road The other car didn?t see me, Mom, And it hit me like a load. As I lie here on the pavement, Mom, I hear the police say, The other guy was drunk, Mom, And now I?m the one who will pay. I?m laying here dying, Mom, I wish you would get here soon. How come this happened to me, Mom? My life bursted like a ballon. There is blood all around me, Mom, Most of it is mine. I here the paramedics say, Mom, I?ll be dead in a short time. I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear i didn?t drink It was the others, Mom, The others didn?t think He didn?t know where he was going, Mom, He was parably at the same party as I, the only difference is, Mom He drank and I will die. Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin my whole life. I?m feeling sharp pains now, Mom, Pains just like a knife. The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, I don?t think it?s fair. I?m lying here dying, Mom, While all he can do is stare. Tell my brother not to cry, Mom, Tell daddy to be brave. And when I get to heaven, Mom, Write ?Daddy?s Little Girl? on my grave. Someone should have told him, Mom, Not to drink and drive. If only they have taken the time, Mom I would still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mom I?m becoming very scared. Please don?t cry for me, Mom Because when i needed you, you were always there. I have one last question, Mom, before i say good-bye. I didnt ever drink, Mom So why am I do die? This is the end, Mom, I wish I could look you in the eyes, To say these final words, Mom, I love you, and Good-bye. Quote Right
Quote Left In the park I did dwell, I met a boy I didn't know so well. He came and stole my heart from me, And now that boy has set me free. I ran and cried on my bed, Not a word to mom I had said. My father came home late the night, And searched for me from left to right. He came to my door which he had broke, And found me hanging from a rope. He got a knife and cut me down, And upon my legs a note he found. 'Dig my grave and dig it deep, marble stone from head to feet. Upon my grave place a dove to show the world I died for love.' Quote Right
Quote Left My mom and her parents had to leave because her brother had left a couple of years before and the government was really upset. They took away both my grandparents' jobs, so they couldn't make a living. They had to sell all their things. They weren't allowed to take more than $500 out of the country. Quote Right
Quote Left A Woman is home caring for her children! even if she can't. Trapped in this well-built trap, A Woman blames her mother for luring her into it, while ensuring that her own daughter never gets out; she recoils from the idea of sisterhood and doesn't believe women have friends, because it probably means something unnatural, and anyhow, A Woman is afraid of women. She's a male construct, and she's afraid women will deconstruct her. She's afraid of everything, because she can't change. Thighs forever thin and shining hair and shining teeth and she's my Mom, too, all seven percent of her. And she never grows old. Quote Right
Quote Left We're here to offer a public witness against a state-mandated undermining of the institution of marriage. Oct. 1 is a tragic day because it's the first day a law goes into effect that states a legislative belief that children don't need both a mom and a dad. Quote Right
Quote Left We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom, the empathy to understand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old - and that's the criterion by which I'll be selecting my judges. Quote Right
Quote Left When mom found my diaphram, I told her it was a bathing cap for my cat. Quote Right
Quote Left A company that pays attention to the family unit is a successful company. We don't isolate the family. We don't make rides that say, 'Hey mom, dad, you go sit on the bench.' Quote Right
Quote Left When your Mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair. Quote Right
Quote Left I got the humility from Mom and Dad. But when I was here, coach (Lou Holtz) pounded it in; made sure it didn't leave. It was never about me, it was always about the team. Quote Right
Quote Left If I were playing third base and my mother were rounding third with the run that was going to beat us, I'd trip her. Oh, I'd pick her up and brush her off and say, 'Sorry, Mom, but nobody beats me.' Quote Right
Quote Left I gave up meat when I was twelve. One day I was cutting up a chicken for my mom, and I hit a tumor with the knife. There was [pus] and blood all over the place. That was enough for me. Quote Right
Quote Left Why do you make fun of Mexicans? It better not be because you think they have such a high rate of illegal immigrants. I hate to break it to you but we didn't exactly enter this country lawfully. Your great-grandfather jumped off a boat and swam to the coast of Maine in the early 1900's. Yes, thats right honey, we're illegal immigrants too. Quote Right
Quote Left What does good in bed mean to me? When I'm sick and I stay home from school propped up with lots of pillows watching TV and my mom brings me soup -- that's good in bed. Quote Right
Quote Left Home is where your mom is. Quote Right
Quote Left I used to scare the hell out of my mom when I was little, especially when I first started sleepwalking at three-years-old. Strange stuff. Quote Right
Quote Left I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. Quote Right
Quote Left When love is gone, there's always justice. And when justice is gone, there's always force. And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi, Mom Quote Right
Quote Left Before I was a mom I used to think that parents who worried about their kids watching MTV were just clueless. Now that I'm a mom, I see what the fuss was all about! Quote Right
Quote Left If my mom reads that I'm grammatically incorrect I'll have hell to pay. Quote Right
Quote Left I asked Mom if I was a gifted child...she said they certainly wouldn't have paid for me. Quote Right
Quote Left Soccer Mom Quote Right
Quote Left All the girls love her. It's nice having a mom everybody likes. Quote Right
Quote Left What I've learned. . . . I've learned that just when I get my room the way I like it, Mom makes me clean it up. Quote Right
Quote Left Mom Doesn't Stand for Made of Money Quote Right
Quote Left The final hour when we cease to exist does not itself bring death; it merely of itself completes the death-process. We reach death at that mom... Quote Right
Quote Left A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them. Quote Right
Quote Left You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool mom. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Mom

Quote Left Every wrinkle tells a story, of life’s ups and downs and moments of glory. Quote Right
Quote Left "A moment of anger can undo years of wisdom." - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left "A moment of anger can shatter a lifetime of peace." - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Paradox of Extremes If you have everything then you have nothing. If have nothing but love then you have everything. It matters not the collection of materialistic things, they don’t satisfy. Spiritual gathering of friends and loved ones will be your treasure. In this the moment of your life, it will become eternal. Quote Right
Quote Left "I'll cherish the moments we've shared, But I won't let my heart be ensnared." Quote Right
Quote Left A gentle heart is wrapped with silken threads, let your eyes and mind dance in each moment to untie each one of those silken beautiful threads. Quote Right
Quote Left Next day when entered is today. Tomorrow...always out of reach. The moment is eternity. Tomorrow never comes. Quote Right
Quote Left Waiting is the daughter of patience, but she is also the cousin of quitting. During moments in which you are idle, you must think of what you're waiting for. If you find a loophole where your waiting has no end, gather your strength, and push forward! Quote Right
Quote Left “Friendship is the art of turning shared moments into timeless treasures.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left When doubt clouds our vision, God's love remains steadfast, drawn to us in our moments of uncertainty. By: Innantia Magcanya Quote Right
Quote Left Nothing ever comes entirely to rest, the decay of death into memory into myth a prime example. Whatever only true for the moment of successful application. Absolute Truth is Faith~ Omnipotent. Quote Right
Quote Left Life echo's immortality throughout our very being each divine moment one who loves us without refrain, without judgement and with true sincerity whispers our name and finds a home in the rhythm of our beating heart. Quote Right
Quote Left life stages are like chapters in a book; sometimes turning the page is the bravest thing you can do. embrace the simplicity in every sentence, for it's in the easy moments that your story truly shines. Quote Right
Quote Left As every moment passes by, I feel burdened by the thought that perhaps, a lifetime is nothing. It is entirely nothing, just another breathing space created by the intertwined threads of time, and when that given time is bled dry, the space will disappear, only to become the breath of a someone that doesn't require time. Quote Right
Quote Left The currency of life is not wealth but moments; spend them wisely. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Pornography is deeper than sex on a screen. just like any content pornography speaks to some truths about who we are, fears hopes and dreams. I can make this argument that pornography offers a true moment of honesty to ourselves. Because why the hell is a video titled Horny BBW Step Mom Gets Fucked Like a Slut By Her Young Stepson have 1.6 million views. Quote Right
Quote Left Time is an artist; it reveals the masterpiece hidden within every passing moment. -Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left Let the heart carry no pain, Let the brain not carry any calculations, Let the actions not carry revenge n agitation, Let the eyes not carry the weak moments, Let the lips not carry the sensations of vengeance. Wrapped up in cozy calmness, keep dropping into your Piggy bank... all the blessings, the Lord bestows out of love. Quote Right
Quote Left Mere mom and dad vidya par Sufi baba Ney maata mantra Kiya hai or whow barbad ho rahe hai or mujhe disturb karne ke koi kasar nahi chodtey Aghori mhabharamnad Quote Right
Quote Left ~ small moments contribute to a little "spice" to your dreams ~ Anne-Lise Andresen Quote Right
Quote Left Even a brief moment holds opportunity to be precious. Quote Right
Quote Left "A past moment in time exists only in my mind." from the poem "Can't Go Back" by Maxwell Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Nearing the end of my life I will not succumb to fear, but I will live in each moment with Love and Joy for each moment is eternal. Quote Right
Quote Left Only a moment did you stay but you left a footprint in my life. Quote Right
Quote Left "If I am disgust for being a lazy in solid works, I am be loved for being a hardworker in soft works. The solid works can be benefited by very few people within some countable moments, while the works of pen and brush (soft works) can be benefited by all and the coming generations. So every da Vinci has his own brush to paint his own Lisa." Quote Right
Quote Left I recall as a youngster, playing in a pile of raked leaves, tossing them up in the air, covering myself with their together warmth. Some see the bottle half full...some see it half empty. Children see and live the enrapture of the moment. Quote Right
Quote Left Do not be afraid of anyone who thrives on insulting you. The moment you stop caring is when they fear you. Quote Right
Quote Left Unexpected connection, unbreakable bond, unforgettable bliss, countless laughs, and unconditional love are what make relationship so special. Sometimes there are unreasonable fights and unexplainable emotions, but the undeniable truth is that our hearts remain inseparable. We create unimaginable memories, make forgivable mistakes, and cherish the moments we share. It's all part of the beautiful and sometimes unpredictable journey of life and love. Quote Right
Quote Left Girls who ponder the depths of love without having taken the plunge are like artists, creating masterpieces in their hearts, waiting for the right moment to unveil their canvas to the world. Yet they shall not know that for every masterpiece there is always the boldest stroke which can make or break everything. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry and writing, conveys a story, written by the writer for the writer, intentionally or ignorantly unaware they are sharing their psyche, with the reader. It is a form of journaling. The beautifully precious and precocious Anne Frank comes to mind, her poignant and profound writes of Light came in the darkest moments of her young life. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs