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Heis Quotations

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Quote Left Atheist Zafar Heretic tun Jahan say nikla hai agar wahan wapas ghus kar dikha day to me bhi mulhid ho jaon ga bool kia tujhay Mera challenge qabool hai oye mulhid? Quote Right
Quote Left Are atheists simply people who can't believe agnostics? Quote Right
Quote Left Each of God’s miracles has a logical explanation according to the atheist but how does one explain the existence of the atheist to God? Quote Right
Quote Left When a person fails to get the desired result from religion, then he becomes an atheist. Quote Right
Quote Left An eagle is an atheist by nature and an agnostic by faith. Quote Right
Quote Left I am an atheist by nature and a Muslim by faith. Quote Right
Quote Left The thing with atheists is they desperately want to be wrong! Quote Right
Quote Left Even some atheists and agnostics pray, since, according to a study, 13 percent pray at least once a month, usually out of a feeling of despair, of cursing God, of seeing if He will answer, or of refuting his existence regarding the lack of answers or all of these reasons combined but yet again I can only understand and with understanding comes love towards my atheistic neighbors Quote Right
Quote Left God could care less if you are homosexual or once homophobic, immoral or self righteous, racist or exceedingly tolerant, atheist or a complete zealot, or whatever the former or the latter because He sees inside every individual the capability to change though that itself is relative Quote Right
Quote Left If you write poetry, you are not an atheist. But do pray that the LORD has you writing poetry, not pooptry Quote Right
Quote Left On the God, we discuss and duel is certainly a mammoth social God, I am finding a far more spiritual one. Could it be atheism? Quote Right
Quote Left Not an atheist, certainly not an anti-theist, but also not a theist. Rather, in-between, a bicamerally synergetic teleologist, where Earth could not be unkind, had She not first been notnot regeneratively kind with ProCreative Sun's bilateral medicine-fusing light. Quote Right
Quote Left As a Christian I aim to be an Atheist, the best I've achieved is B+theist. Quote Right
Quote Left What is the difference between an atheist and a theist? A bicameral ecotheist. Quote Right
Quote Left ATHEISTIC THE world's religions are a misnomer of Spirit so much so that even God is Atheistic :: ~~ :: Quote Right
Quote Left Saying there are no atheists in foxholes is like saying there were no feminists on HMS Titanic. Quote Right
Quote Left In the world of oratory, the cunning atheist declares himself a believer to preserve access to the rich fund of stories in religious texts and to the powerful concepts of God, fate, angels, the soul, & the afterlife Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs