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Creatin Quotations

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Quote Left Success is the achievement of creating substance where there is nothingness. Quote Right
Quote Left Girls who ponder the depths of love without having taken the plunge are like artists, creating masterpieces in their hearts, waiting for the right moment to unveil their canvas to the world. Yet they shall not know that for every masterpiece there is always the boldest stroke which can make or break everything. Quote Right
Quote Left A poet has the capability of creating beauty in anything that has flaws. Quote Right
Quote Left An individual who proves irksome may prove to be excellent material for creating an interesting character for a story--I Am Anaya Quote Right
Quote Left My Couples, Don't let Your Petty Matters Destroy, Your relationships While Creating Pain and havoc In Your Child's Life - By Christen Kuikoua Quote Right
Quote Left - Seeing harsh callous actions if we do not cry, God's creating such rich tears has no purpose high - Quote Right
Quote Left Nature breathes gentle songs through the winds and wings, creating an intimacy with God which sparks the twinkle in both the stars and eyes Quote Right
Quote Left Don't break the mirror if you do not like the image that stands before you. If you do, you will end up creating many more mirrors that will house reflection you so deeply despise. Quote Right
Quote Left Parenting is not about creating facsimiles. Delete what you would dislike in others and adorn what you lack. Create a master piece. Quote Right
Quote Left the paths to the future are many and ever changing their treacherous shadows constantly creating new hazards. Quote Right
Quote Left Creating words for the sake of creating words is a waste of time ... Truth is not wordy. Paul Lake Quote Right
Quote Left "Sometimes dreams are achieved at the expense of other dreams. Your ability to keep dreaming is what makes you worthy of creating your own reality." Quote Right
Quote Left "Creating the kind of connections between people that lead to collective civic action, political expression, community dialogue, shared cultural experiences". Quoted in "Connected by a Thread: Arts Territory Exchange Residency in Sustainable Practice" by Gudrun Filipska, CSPA Quarterly periodical (January 25, 2019). Quote Right
Quote Left Every thought we think is creating our future. Quote Right
Quote Left A Black section on Poetrysoup is a strange thing when you're British. A section creating separation is only different to segregation in that it's a free choosing to look inward and not outward at others. Strengthening occurs on the inside weakening the link to the outside. Preventing integration. Quote Right
Quote Left Gradually, the extent of agreement in our disagreements increased to a level of creating an illusion of agreement!! Quote Right
Quote Left Show me what you are creating and I will tell you who you are, tell me how and for what are you arguing about and I will tell you what you are. Quote Right
Quote Left The bar association is mainly a lobbying group, and since most politicians are members it's pretty easy to get laws passed that benefit lawyers. The result is an overly litigious legal system that destroys lives instead of creating harmony. Quote Right
Quote Left "Writing is...creating tattoos, invisible under your skin" Quote Right
Quote Left Sometimes we end up creating plots that are not there.. We are creating them so fast that we do not realise what we are actually doing Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry finds balances between both abstract freedom and concrete strictness. By this I mean, poetry displays its unique art by creating a visual work of art within the reader's mind while simultaneously creating music within the same reader via the poem's strict control of language. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs