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Avel Quotations

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Quote Left Always some regrets, curiosities...always wondering, if only slightly, of road not is really too short -- our nature to want to wander where we wonder. Quote Right
Quote Left The world can seem a hard bravely poking its tender heart out...sniffing the air~ before retreating. Quote Right
Quote Left Choice ... is a road that free will travels often, yet to always collect a toll. Quote Right
Quote Left One can travel long on the surface, but not far from the heart. Quote Right
Quote Left We travel from God, toward eventually realize, we had never left Him nor Him us. Quote Right
Quote Left Loyalties are important, yet they can travel only so far. One comes to question that commitment, such as, is it to an ideal cause; or to an individual, who's actions give one pause. If the answer returns some clarity, with a consensus, but conflicting view, one can finally reach a conclusion; to thine self, will you be true. Quote Right
Quote Left With Emirates group booking, travel with your loved ones and save big with discounts & deals. Book a group trip online and get benefits. Quote Right
Quote Left We are spirit-extensions of one another, also never to doubt the loving support of that great tether linking us eternally with our creator and His inextinguishable Heaven...wherever we are, or travel to, beyond mortal mist, from seeming dark corridor is yet another chance for an even brighter dawn and wondrous journey. Quote Right
Quote Left We are made of God substance, the light of His Will our spiritual star and navigation. We travel from and back to God, but never separate of God, the only imagined dim of nurturing relationship, is man's conscious denial -- the anarchy of dark delusion. Quote Right
Quote Left Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many ~ Machiavelli Quote Right
Quote Left A man cannot survive without cheating, because it is his nature ~ N. Machiavelli Quote Right
Quote Left I did say that covid was the travellers disease. They just had to stoptravel/lockdown for a little bit longer and we would not have to have had the pandemic we never had to have. Quote Right
Quote Left There are many paths to success, and not all travel by the same road Quote Right
Quote Left When truth is ignored and avoided ... then trust becomes absent in defeat. Without trust, can be seen a barren landscape, where a lone horizon is traveled incomplete. Quote Right
Quote Left My travel agent has this in her office: "If you can afford to go first class and do not, your heirs will." Quote Right
Quote Left When gossip travels fast the good news is that it is just gossip but curiosity makes us check it out. Quote Right
Quote Left Steps towards what we wish to get always start with a first one, and rather than looking back to see how far we have travelled from the starting point, we should just know where we are. Quote Right
Quote Left A rhinestone skein, a jeweled brocade of light— the city is a garment stretched so thin her neon colors bleed into the night and everywhere bright seams, unraveling, ... ('The City Is a Garment' by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left The longer we travel through the mist, the longer we suffer from loss of sight even if our eyes are wide open. Quote Right
Quote Left As long as I travel across the ocean of life on my own boat, I would never like to be a captain looking for the direction shown by a lighthouse. Quote Right
Quote Left “It’s not important that you travel all around the world; there is a world of your own around you that makes you, discovering that every day is also a challenge, it gives you the sense of co-existence with the beings around. “ Quote Right
Quote Left Sua voz ao falar pode mudar o mundo. Basta falar em defesa da honestidade, contra a injustiça, a mentira e a ganância. Certamente, falar como meio principal de comunicação — têm uma série de vantagens notáveis: a fala nunca depende da luz do dia ou da visibilidade mútua; pode operar em todas as direções em áreas razoavelmente amplas; e pode ser ajustada em volume para lidar com a distância. Sua voz pode de fato mudar o mundo. Quote Right
Quote Left Erga as asas para voar. Erguer as asas da vida e dos negócios dá forças para voar e enxergar do alto. Erguer as asas da vida e dos negócios é voar infatigavelmente na direção do progresso! Voe e Viva porque a vida existe. Inspire: Seja descontente: isso é um ser humano que doma as forças cegas pela visão que a alma tem! Quote Right
Quote Left Nunca se apresse a julgar a outra pessoa. Via de regra a vida humana contêm incomparavelmente mais mistérios para as pessoas sábias do que para outras. Seja desde agora e sempre, cada vez mais sábia. Julgue menos. Existe uma história por trás de cada pessoa, uma razão pela qual elas são do jeito que são. Não se apresse em julgar. 2021, Julgue menos e faça mais. Quote Right
Quote Left Se refletir vai constatar: és incomparavelmente mais feliz do que pensa. Ao refletir sobre a felicidade que vive vai constatar uma relação custo/benefício em favor da grande soma de bens de que gozamos, e nos pequenos males que não sofremos. Na maioria das vezes o que mais incomoda e atormenta a espécie humana é querer que as pessoas e as coisas sejam o que não podem ser, ou deixem de ser o que são por sua essência e natureza. Quote Right
Quote Left Never judge a person by the road they have traveled, it's the route they are on now that defines them. Quote Right
Quote Left growing slow as stubble from a child’s beard change is neither seen nor heard until it is unfolded on the road we travel, and then seen only in the mirror. Quote Right
Quote Left "We must bravely fight for our peace in war''. Quote Right
Quote Left The high road is not easier than the low road.They both have rocks and pitfalls. It is the traveler that makes the journey, a pleasure or a disaster... a nightmare. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs