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Ardin Quotations

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Quote Left Regarding time: "Some refer to time past, but time itself extinguishes the past. Only what is remembered is known to have existed." from the poem "Flying" by Max Burchett Quote Right
Quote Left Every form of individual action is birth by a rationale intention which could be right or wrong. And the principle regarding every action serves a dish of its precise outcome. Quote Right
Quote Left I believe poetry is like sun bathing: one prepares himself, puts on the lotion and positions the chair -- and then the sun does its work. Train, learn...and it will happen. As with each of us, having an individual spirit, so poetry has a group spirit, seeing to its beauty and guarding its significance. Quote Right
Quote Left Regarding The Woman King, "to madallah!" Quote Right
Quote Left The "cessationist" are a group of dead men who tries to Limit the operations of God by time, men who grew from seminaries devoid of power, who for reasons of not prevailing in their "upper room" gave up the idea of the Holy Ghost discarding the operation of the spirit for the excesses of a few, denying Truth preaching theology without Power. Quote Right
Quote Left Winter awakens all my care as leafless trees grow bare. For now my sighs are fraught whenever it enters my thought: regarding this world's joy, how everything comes to naught. ('This World's Joy' anonymous Middle English poem, loose translation by Michael R. Burch) Quote Right
Quote Left "Isn't it ironic that the origins regarding our perception and understanding of universal constants, originated from a singularity?" Quote Right
Quote Left A vida de uma pessoa deixa uma fortuna de legado é reconhecida quando alguém constrói novas formas de vida. Outras fortunas é herança. A diferença entre a pessoa que deixa uma herança e outra que deixa um legado é a mesma que existe entre aquela que corta a grama e a outra que faz jardinagem. A diferença é sutil, um toque, o cortador de grama um dia deixará de estar lá, aquela que faz jardinagem estará lá por toda a vida. Quote Right
Quote Left Legado, desde sempre, em todos os tempos, é a lembrança que fica do jardineiro que cortou a grama, e da pessoa que faz sempre um pouco a mais. Tudo aquilo que uma pessoa faz para si mesma acaba quando a pessoa se vai, já aquilo que se faz para outras pessoas permanece como legado. Quote Right
Quote Left The minute we share a secret, we lose the right to blame another for forwarding it further. Quote Right
Quote Left I wish poetrysoup didn't give you fake numbers viewed when you share on Facebook but hey ho if you can trick the mind into believing it is rewarding for advertising purposes and business comes first who cares Quote Right
Quote Left Every your decision made is the best choice and option of the moment. It will look different at another time. But looking back you see that everything you had done falls perfectly right regarding that moment. Quote Right
Quote Left Regarding-The I Hate Stinkin Contest Theme. I hate contests rabbit if you like it or not. So again take your bunnies and award them top spot. Let your bunny hops become a turkey trot. Where the friendliest gobbles are sought. I take your contest as food for thought. Where I rabbit digest no stinkin plastic in the pot. Quote Right
Quote Left Even some atheists and agnostics pray, since, according to a study, 13 percent pray at least once a month, usually out of a feeling of despair, of cursing God, of seeing if He will answer, or of refuting his existence regarding the lack of answers or all of these reasons combined but yet again I can only understand and with understanding comes love towards my atheistic neighbors Quote Right
Quote Left Don't be afraid to speak about death with someone who knows they will die soon. It can be very rewarding and enrichening. Quote Right
Quote Left Poetry: more efficient than a book, and more rewarding than a fortune cookie. Quote Right
Quote Left REGARDING THE ELECTION OF PRESIDENT TRUMP: Have faith that the founding fathers created a government of checks and balances to make sure no one could threaten the nation. Our forefathers also enshrined our fundamental rights in a Bill of Rights to ensure every minority and individual would be safe from abuse by powers of the government. Finally, please recall the little good done by our politicians, and that reason exists to believe Trump can be better. Quote Right
Quote Left Regarding Trumps presidential victory: You should reserve your passions for eminent dangers. We've been wound up for over a year due to this odd election cycle. We have to unwind especially to not let ourselves to be misled by our own passions. - Written the day after the Donald Trump victory Quote Right
Quote Left Rules and laws are enshrinements of principles. If you are interpreting a rule you must first discover the principle that rule codifies. Only then can you begin to be judicious and wise regarding rules and laws. Quote Right
Quote Left Regarding the student: Your GPA is like drinking beer. It goes down easy, and comes back up really hard. Quote Right
Quote Left Regarding organized religion: If you want to lose yourself, get found. Quote Right
Quote Left Love is far less rewarding than a truly worthy obsession. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things