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This poetry contest is closed. Enter a new contest here: Poetry Contests


Contest Judged:  4/7/2020 9:29:00 PM
Sponsored by: Kim Rodrigues | Send Soup Mail
See Contest Description
Contest Winner Medal 1 Now It's Our Turn Gregory Richard Barden
Contest Winner Medal 1 Freedom Exposure Beata Agustin
Contest Winner Medal 1 Memories - Dwm Constance La France
Contest Winner Medal 1 Dance With Me DM Babbit
Contest Winner Medal 1 High School Dance Dwm Eve Roper
Contest Winner Medal 1 Dwn Git N Down At the Dance James Edward Lee Sr.
Contest Winner Medal 1 Mustang Sally Dwm Janis Thompson
Contest Winner Medal 1 Come Dance With Me Under the Bleachers Mark Koplin
Contest Winner Medal 1 Dwm Senior Dance Days Eric Cohen
Contest Winner Medal 1 Dancin' Daze - Dwm Charles Messina
Contest Winner Medal 1 The Memories Dance With Me Shirley Hawkins
Contest Winner Medal 1 1969 Timothy Mcguire
Contest Winner Medal 1 Beneath the Lights Dwm Sandra Adams
Contest Winner Medal 2 Prom Night In My Time - Dwm Andrea Dietrich
Contest Winner Medal 2 In the Still of the Night Dwm Panagiota Romios
Contest Winner Medal 2 Dancing In the Fifties Sandra Haight
Contest Winner Medal 2 Precious and Few Line Gauthier
Contest Winner Medal 3 Bobby Sox and Penny Loafers Dwm Sonia Walker
Contest Winner Medal 3 Teen Town Dance - Dwm Caren Krutsinger
Contest Winner Medal 3 Folk Dance Dwm Anisha Dutta
Contest Winner Medal 3 High School Dance Dwm Mary Taylor

Contest Description


What to Submit?

1 original, poem on the theme of .............


You are at YOUR high school dance. What I’m looking for is the time period YOU lived in. Make me feel as if I am there. This does not need to be a bio but rather a time piece. (An example might be letter jackets and poodle skirts of the fifities.) It does not literally need to be about you. Just let your mind drift back to your day - let’s pay tribute to the heyday. 

See if you can coordinate your time period with a corresponding poetry form. A rhyme might do or perhaps it was more about rap. I don’t know if I’m saying this well but I hope your mind is churning with some ideas, imagery, music, clothing,etc…


  2. Date at bottom

  3. After the date write: “Kim Rodrigues’ DWM Contest”

  4. Quotes at the top are welcome but not necessary

  5. Have a ball ;)

Any form is acceptable.



Preparing Your Entry

Submit one copy of your poem online. Format your poem. Please make your entry easy to read — no illustrations or fancy fonts. 

English Language

Poems should be in English. Poems translated from other languages are not eligible, unless you wrote both the original poem and the translation.

A Note to Poetry Contestants

You are welcome to enter this contest, whether or not you won a prize in one of my previous contests.

Book: Shattered Sighs