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WHAT ARE HAIKU? - Brian Strand's Blog

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Blog Posted:11/26/2011 1:23:00 AM
A question more often asked than answered!Two translators thereof said of them'little drops of poetic essence'(Sansom);'meditations...starting points of trains of thought'(Henderson).Taken together,these are perhaps 'the' essential guideline to this 'enigmatic'* form so clearly shown in this sad haiku by Chiyo (1703-75) the renown haiku poetess,married at 19,widowed at 26:

I sleep....I wake...

 How wide

The bed with none beside

*many meanings from one thought

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Date: 11/27/2011 10:02:00 AM
Cyndi-Now you may have me rethink things when you throw in one of my favorite theme songs :)
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Date: 11/27/2011 5:25:00 AM
Hey Natalie-dear, listen carefully. You hear it, right? It's getting louder...the theme song to Jaws. Da dum. Da dum. comes a 'ku for you...
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Date: 11/26/2011 4:18:00 PM
Well Carrie and the rest of you that are fans of the Haiku...I'm happy for you. :) I'm w/ Tracie though...and I think they are more similar to liver and onions with no seasoning.
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Date: 11/26/2011 11:23:00 AM
How huge the essence of feeling, in so few words. I disagree, Tracie, the haiku is not a brussel sprout, it is a tender little sprout opening up to flower with beauty, in the sun. :)
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Date: 11/26/2011 8:58:00 AM
If you ponder the season of life, there is a nativity of spring, then the energy of summer, followed by autumn before the cold and stillness of winter. One of the things that tells us that autumn approaching is cooler mornings and the leaves change color...for us maybe it's the graying strands of hair, challenges to get those joints warmed up before rising from a sleep, there is more, but now read the Haiku by Murakami, Kijo...if you look there are many more connotations. "First autumn morning:" "the mirror I stare into" "shows my father's face." Murakami, Kijo. (1865-1938) Am I a fan of Haikus, no, not really, but I have six younger sisters and am the oldest and only brother...I have a protection vein within me. Just Ed :)
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Date: 11/26/2011 8:30:00 AM
This form of poetry forces the writer to stop and pay attention to the sounds, scents, tastes, and other sensations using a few syllables planting seeds allowing the reader's own thoughts to take what was written and allowing it to sprout into something more; only the unshackelled mind can do this...if this does not happen, then maybe the Haiku is poorly written or maybe the reader thinks in a box...just my thoughts :) ~ Peace
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Date: 11/26/2011 7:30:00 AM
More of a general approach in writing it in expression of a thought rather than spicifics subjects required. A poem is the poet's concept, not the reader. Thanks Brian. Agape, Moses
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Date: 11/26/2011 7:20:00 AM
WHAT ARE HAIKU?...they are the brussel sprouts of poetry...yuck!
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Date: 11/26/2011 3:09:00 AM
the rust twined with the sword// bones sparkle// the time gone through
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Date: 11/26/2011 2:34:00 AM
Greed head//cut off//by justice sword
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Date: 11/26/2011 2:05:00 AM
Look at my face... ...dead... youth has gone
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Date: 11/26/2011 1:48:00 AM
Thank you. That is a lovely, sharp, startling haiku.
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