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Paid To Write Poems

These Paid To Write poems are examples of poetry about Paid To Write. These are the best examples of Write Paid To poems written by international poets.

Write What You Know - Expert Advice
Someone decided to give me some advice on the art of writing the other day. He told me that I should only write about things...

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Categories: write, writing,

Paid In Lives
The white dove is always covered in blood 
The olive branch is laced in thallium 
The broken gun is used as a dagger 
And the...

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Categories: write, conflict, endurance, extended metaphor,

I Didn't Want to Write This
I didn’t want to write this poem,
But how could I refuse
When every day I read or hear
More horror in the news?

The Mideast situation’s
Always had opposing...

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Categories: write, hate, war,

Premium Member The Unsupervised Stop Sign
Flirting with disaster 
On this fast-moving highway of life;
Speed demons incurably infected 
With the disease of impatience.
I tremble with disgust
When shaken by a fierce gust...

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Categories: encouraging, poetry, write,


im tryina finish another 20 page chapbook

this is the first part of 2 of what i got so far because its too long for 1


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Categories: write, 11th grade, deep, feelings,

Premium Member Breakfast At Tiffanys
I watched “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” last night - we’re going to be reading Truman Capote’s book after the break and I wanted to start thinking...

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Categories: write, class, school, society, student,

Premium Member Political Pie
Political Pie

Each day I rise, 
in the free country, America. 
I want to call it the USA... 
"United", but we are not. 
We have not...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: write, america, angel, fate, fire,

Premium Member Demons Do Exist - Believe
You can't spend all your time hiding them, in your bottom drawer
In time they will all work their way out, and when they do its...

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Categories: write, crazy, humorous, imagination, metaphor,

Premium Member You Should Write a Book
Notre Dame Gargoyle was a notorious gossip.
Unfortunately, he was so high up, he ran out of fodder
So, he had to start making up gossip.

His stories...

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Categories: write, humorous,

Why Don'T I Get a Say
When you are a kid,

you learn to ride bikes, socialize, do the dishes, fold your laundry.

When you are a young teen,

you learn the world is...

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Categories: change, write, youth,

Premium Member I Guess I Am a Poet
A Gemini, I get bored faster than most people walk to their mailbox.
My hands are always moving- painting, cartooning, sewing, gardening.
One day I was stuck...

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Categories: write, poems, poetess, poetry, poets,

On Content Warnings
There are some poems we are just not ready to write
The wound is still too fresh for us to take notes from the light of...

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Categories: write, anxiety, hurt, perspective, poetry,

O wind! carry me to the Lethe: the river of forgetfulness.
Cause I can't forget anything,
and I have fear,
perhaps it will lead me once to madness.

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Categories: write, death, life, pain, prayer,

Premium Member A Writer

Wildilee Woldilee
Louisa May Alcott
writer from my childhood
so very warm

worked to support family
who taught tenderness
which she did conform

Double Dactyl (Win For Paid Membership) Poetry Contest
Sponsored by:...

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Categories: write, poems, poetess, poetry, poets,

Poems About Poems V
Poems about Poems V

by Michael R. Burch

There is a small cleanness about her,
as though she has always just been washed,
and there is a dull obedience...

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Categories: write, metaphor, poems, poetry, poets,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things