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12Th Grade Teen Poems

These 12Th Grade Teen poems are examples of poetry about 12Th Grade Teen. These are the best examples of Teen 12Th Grade poems written by international poets.

Jay's Graduation Day
"Jay's Graduation Day"
(by Michelle L. LeBlanc 06/17/2024)

This week you would have graduated
Just before you turned 18
Oh, how the time has flown
Since you suddenly left the...

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Categories: teen, 12th grade, death, graduation,

Our first 'Hey'
When we both sat in the rain
When the clouds were quite moody
Yet my eyes were gloomy
We looked at the moon together
And shared our...

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Categories: 12th grade, love, teen

One last time,
I wanna see your face,
That look you gave,
From 10 feet away,
One last time,
I wanna hear your voice,
You making all those stupid noise,
Making everything...

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© Neha Coco  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: teen, 12th grade, crush, feelings,

The Battle For My Teen Mind
The battles began when I entered my teens.
The voices  challenged me on so many things.
At times I would feel tortured, how was deep pain.

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Categories: teen, 11th grade, 12th grade,

The Rumors
These rumors 
They aren't fair
But no one cares
This drama
it's going to give me trauma...

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Categories: teen, 10th grade, 11th grade,

Premium Member Imaginary Lover
You don’t know me
You did not know me then
I watched you from afar
You knew not where or when
I turned up at your practice
I saw you...

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Categories: teen, 12th grade, age, baseball,

Once upon a time-a girl was sitting on the bleachers.
Mesmerised by the jocks' good-looks and features. Suddenly, a cute guy ran past her,
Not sparing her...

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Categories: teen, 12th grade, break up,

Teen Love
Teen  love

   If love conspires 
   Bring my love to me
   Her face bathed in moonlight

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© Sandra Rao  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: teen, 10th grade, 12th grade,

Lady Called Leenah
A Lady Called LEENAH

Life is like a narration, try narrating your words at times to give your audience full gist and update-AFOLALEKAN

Alas! I have been...

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Categories: teen, 12th grade, absence, fantasy,

Kaalnek Kuiken Is Gone
Two Fridays ago, a fowl thief 
Ruled over hearts, pets, relationships
Broke in (burglary) during my absence
Took Mr. Five (her half- brother) for his unearned pot

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: teen, 12th grade, africa, america,

Everybody ought to be perfect 
But "for whom" is a dilemma.
Everybody wants to impress 
But "whom" is a dilemma.
Everybody escapes from reality
But "why" is a...

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Categories: teen, 12th grade, depression, for

Anyone Who Will Listen
Music dances off the page
Flowing through me
Through my instrument

The notes cut through the air
And sit in the minds
Of anyone who will listen...

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Categories: teen, 12th grade, music, poetry,

Thanks To You Will I Ever Be More Than Dust
You built me up made, made me trust you.
But now you’re the nightmare that plays even in the direct ray of light.
You make me fight...

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© Tyz Kovic   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: teen, 12th grade, betrayal, boyfriend,

Premium Member I Posted a New Short Story - Summer's Begun
The length of things we can post here is limited - so I posted my latest piece as a short story called "Summer's begun."

Here's a...

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Categories: teen, 12th grade, fun, school,

Falling In Love
Can we meet again?
You, wearing your black jacket;
Me, empty in mind or thought.

You ask what I want.
I want long hours of chatter.
Know you are happy,

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Categories: teen, 12th grade, august, black

Book: Reflection on the Important Things