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Funny Technology Poems

These Funny Technology poems are examples of Technology poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Technology Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Why Am I Missing You in Wyomissing?
Why am I missing you in Wyomissing

In Wyomissing where WiFi waves warp Whitman's words
I'm wiki-wishing scrolling through digitized déjà vu
Mississippi .mp3s Mississauga .gifs Missy Elliott...

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Categories: technology, heartbroken, lonely, loss, love,

Premium Member My Blimp Is On The Fritz Again

My blimp is on the fritz again
The hovercraft just popped
I surely cannot take the car
That’s jacked up in the shop

The bus won’t come out to...

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Categories: funny, humorous, technology,

Grab Bag Poems
Grab Bag Poems and Epigrams


Less Heroic Couplets: Dark Cloud, Silver Lining, Dupes
from “Love in the Time of the Coronavirus”
by Michael R. Burch

Every corona has a...

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Categories: technology, allegory, america, analogy, parody,

Premium Member a poem inspired by glitchore that will age poorly probably
Fingertips click a
desperate breakbeat
as eyes glaze over
in blue light baptism
please overwhelm me

Binary jungle,
you glowing cesspit
through the clipping
curtain echoes a choir
of post-post ironic

Dopamine is a...

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Categories: technology, computer, funny, irony, music,

Premium Member Bots
scramble the bots there’s a new weirdo in town
using up the sun, talking un-abbreviatedly odd 
some skin looking healthier than the rest of us,
us, junkies...

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Categories: technology, computer, fun, humorous, life,

Revenge of You Tube
You tube is a way to see
Others acting so crazy
But I never thought I'd find
Me falling on my behind
It was quite a funny show
All because...

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Categories: drink, feelings, technology,

What's On
When I was a young boy, we had rabbit ears,
got ABC, CBS and nothing more.
If we would wrap the antenna in tin foil,
we’d sometimes get...

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Categories: technology, poetry,

Such Fun
Such Fun!
See the new cherries barge us in the call centre
They’re in the middle of being trained
I do my usual trick on them it works...

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Categories: funny, technology, work,

Premium Member Smart Stuff
I got a smart phone
And bought some Smart food
Smart razor, smart comb
Got my wife a smart boob
Whenever it’s squeezed
Coz we’re in the mood
Ten minutes later

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Categories: funny, smart, technology,

Premium Member Hapless
That robot on line is so crafty!
Pick a number, he says; make it snappy!
Or go to the App
He'll get nowhere with that;
He should know by...

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Categories: funny, humorous, innocence, technology,

The Greatest Thing To Come From All of Technology
Despite all of its negative factors
It’s the best thing to sweep the nation
Social media actually matters;
Because it helps with communication.
It allows you to keep in...

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Categories: technology, 10th grade, 7th grade,

Premium Member Anaya
Anaya writes the greatest stanza
and she’s won many a bonanza
	my link to her is broken
	with PS I have spoken
It’s hard for me to understanza!

Every comment...

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Categories: technology, funny, humorous, poems, poetess,

Premium Member We Need a Particle Zapper
“We have a lot of dust in the house. Where does it come from?
How do we prevent that?”


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Categories: technology,

Premium Member Loving Chip and Dale
Chip and Dale were favorite cartoons of my sister and me.
With so much ***** and happiness, joyful they could be. 
They ran around in chipmunk...

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Categories: technology,

Premium Member A Serial Texter
Written by Gail R DeBole
on June 20, 2022

A texter who texted all day
When in-person had not much to say.
He lived life on his text-screen
Never ran...

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Categories: addiction, computer, people, technology,

Book: Shattered Sighs