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School Tanka Poems

These School Tanka poems are examples of Tanka poems about School. These are the best examples of Tanka School poems written by international poets.

Premium Member BUNNY - POTD
Bunny very cute
Under a big bush sleeping
Now she is awake
No one knows you are my pet
You and I friends forever...

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Categories: animal, cute, fun, giggle,

Premium Member End of Haviland
 end of Haviland
stilled kickstands & spokes of Schwinn
our teen shapely thighs
after school books are returned
and mind wanders down the road

chill in Summer heat
orange &...

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Categories: memory,

Premium Member Smiling Autumn Faces
A slight comic gust
as vivid  autumn colour
turns laughing  dervish
we sense  the quasi-winter
prelude to Halloween fare

Back to school urchins
scream with joy to spite...

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Categories: autumn, beautiful, beauty, color,

Premium Member Autumn Reverie 2
High school football game
cheerleaders tossed night sky chill
rhythmic beat of drums
alumni and students roar
October's homecoming queen...

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Categories: 6th grade, 7th grade,

Premium Member Crack of Thunder Beach
crack of thunder beach
clashing of hot and cold fronts
clapping erasers
splashing of dust molecules
summer school is in session...

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Categories: storm,

Premium Member Child Performers
“recently scenes of early life have stolen into my mind, live breezes blown..”
    Quote by _ Samuel Taylor Coleridge.


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Categories: 5th grade, allegory, appreciation,

Premium Member Her Heart Still Beats
My sister and I 
She was five and I was eight 
Walking home from school 
About a mile from our house 
Bang! She got hit...

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Categories: childhood,

Childhood Nostalgia
could not sleep at night 
thrilled to wake and play around 
in and out of rooms
as though gems hidden and found
nights merriment resurrected
smiles laughs howls...

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Categories: childhood, nostalgia,

Childhood Memories
adventurous days
running through wildflower fields
carefree memories
of playing with my siblings
birthday parties and skating

first day of grade school
a bit shy to make new friends
riding a school...

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Categories: childhood, memory,

Treasures of Yesteryear
The simplicity 
Unlocked windows... unlocked doors
Kids playing outside
Old school rhythm and blues groove
The community village...

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Categories: memory,

Premium Member Invaluable Recollections
recall first school day
I stood weeping, scared to move
we held hands at five
she vowed to look after me
we were close, with a deep bond

we had...

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: analogy, appreciation, meaningful, memory,

Premium Member Just August
Summer is ending 
hot days filled with outside fun, 
our sleeping in late. 
August ends our days off ~ done, 
back to school we must...

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Categories: day, fun, school, sleep,

Premium Member Childhood Nostalgia
Magic silver key,
fits into my silver shoes.
I was now set free,
I now owned many sidewalks.
My new skates were a big thrill.


Date Written: 8/4/2022

2 Place


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Categories: child, freedom, fun, joy,

Premium Member Big Pharma Dependency
mind numbing pain free
        without meds where would we be

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Categories: allusion, drug, truth,

Premium Member Coffee Beans
roasted coffee beans
inside grandma's old grinder 
exude aroma
of groovy early mornings
catching the first bus to school

19 February 2022

" A Briand Strand Tanka" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by...

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© Jcb Brul  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: grandmother, kid, memory,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things