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Spaniel Poems - Poems about Spaniel

Spaniel Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spaniel to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spaniel.

The Spaniel
A Spaniel that uses its head Can tell when its owner’s unfed So instead of a duck That is down on its luck Will deliver a pizza instead...Read the rest...
Categories: spaniel, animal, dog, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Dear Spaniel Daniel
He left us and chased after rainbow and dove And found his soul mate in the hills up above Did we know the real Daniel Our beloved cocker spaniel? Farewell, our dear heart, adieu our true love 2/27/23...Read the rest...
Categories: spaniel, humor,
Form: Limerick

Farmer Daniel Faces His Spaniel
A land which doesn’t much nutrients wield Will certainly not many grains yield. This I had, flatly, told friend Daniel: A farmer with more time for spaniel While it had been Terrible Story In a Rice Field of One-Time Glory! And...Read the rest...
Categories: spaniel, business, character, confusion, food,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A K-9 Spaniel
A K-9 Spaniel who sniffed down crooks started getting suspicious looks To avoid detection he’s in witness protection with ten butlers and twenty-three cooks...Read the rest...
Categories: spaniel, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Ozzie Our Spaniel
The 28th of April; I'll always remember that day It was very overcast and the sky was quite grey That short journey to the vet I will never forget And when I think back to that day,...Read the rest...
Categories: spaniel, best friend, emotions, heartbroken,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Sophie Helen Our Cocker Spaniel
Sophie Helen, my snuggle bunny, Knows my whereabouts day and night. She launches herself next to the small of my back And we snore and dream together. I dream I am flying She dreams she is flying with me Sophie...Read the rest...
Categories: spaniel, dog,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Cocker Spaniel Alert
Curly black hair lying in my lap Snoring peacefully, contented Sweet adoring puppy eyes Loud ham lid popping sound Black nose up in air Cocker spaniel Leaps from chair Searching Snack...Read the rest...
Categories: spaniel, 1st grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Nonet
Swinging Spaniel
Swinging to and fro from side to side, I wriggle my back, I'm on the glide, I'm a cocker spaniel just laying back, My owner built me my own hammock. This grinning watch-dog is always moving, Gentle swaying is so...Read the rest...
Categories: spaniel, dog, children, funny,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things