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Metaphor Snow Poems

These Metaphor Snow poems are examples of Snow poems about Metaphor. These are the best examples of Snow Metaphor poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Poetry Soup Kitchen
Poetry Soup Kitchen

On a dark and stormy night, when the temperature plummeted to zero below,
A poor soul was lost and frozen, in the cold and...

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Categories: snow, anxiety, community, food, poems,

Stranger in a Strange Land
"I have been a stranger in a strange land."  Bible, Exodus 2:22

The compass whirrs.
North toward rock, south toward sand.
East toward ice, and west toward...

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Categories: snow, analogy,

Premium Member ice on my window
ice on my window
falling snow, falling eyelids
freezing makes me warm

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Categories: imagery, metaphor, seasons, snow,

Watching the snowflakes 
Gently glide through the chilly air 
Watching the snowflakes 
Slowly combine and fall together 

This one snowflake flew into my hands
It melted...

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Categories: snow, conflict, love hurts, metaphor,


Why start nattering about lucky tracks
Neath a tarnished night of a waning storm?
Haystacks in a disciplined platoon wait
With hooded coats, caves...

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Categories: snow, america, art, metaphor, poems,

Winter Sonata
Oh, my wondrous winter rose!
I live to see you bloom in all your charming chilling grace.
Awaiting your pearly presence to embellish my arctic stance stilled...

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Categories: snow, devotion, imagery, longing, love,

Premium Member In Memoriam Quietly Always Close
In Memoriam Quietly Always Close

Are they whispers, then, settling
So gently upon that slightest breeze wending
     Over the granite crosses and statues...

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Categories: snow, grave, heaven, love, memory,

Ah- Snow
Precipitate so white! 
What shivering delights!
Cool blankets ‘pon the brim, 
Though much more be quite grim, 
God moderates good gifts, 

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Categories: snow, creation, imagery, metaphor, seasons,

Premium Member Snowflakes
As quiet
as a whisper
snowflakes begin
tumbling and twirling
as they fall
from the sky
like jewels
as sunlight
reflects off crystals
of ice, coating flakes of
in the guise of white.



Writing Challenge -...

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Categories: snow, beautiful, cool, extended metaphor,

Midnight In January
Another sleepless night,
I watch the snow fall. 

Furious flurries in a heavenly jailbreak,
they pile up in the window corners anonymously.

One itinerant catches itself on the...

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Categories: snow, courage, destiny, identity, metaphor,

Premium Member Empty Nest
Snow slowly fills 
An empty nest  
The metaphor 
Now empty 

12 May 2022
15 syllables...

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© David Mohn  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: snow,

Premium Member Snowflakes
Snowflakes falling
Away from the Heavens...
Just like how we were (before)...
Fallen beings.
Each of us one of a kind,
When shall He free our minds...?
When will that day...

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Categories: snow, extended metaphor, heaven, philosophy,

Premium Member A Blanket of Snow
Winter arrives with a cold, blustery wind,
sashaying in on a carpet of white.
And freezing Fall with Her frosty breath,
She wears a crystalline gown;
transforming Autumn's tattered...

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Categories: snow, beautiful, beauty, extended metaphor,

Winter's Mind
Temptations and desires fade
A heaviness pervades your quilt
Shadows pilfer heaven’s joy
Every flower doomed to wilt	
Resistance born from a hearth
Solitary feelings float around
The pain of dejection...

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Categories: snow, imagery, metaphor, pain, sky,

Premium Member Winter's Agonizing Beauty
Peaked out and everything was covered
White—some things totally invisible—visioning
Helpless immobility burdens, once always conquered:-

Background sunlight caste dull-white shadows
Across whiten, once pale green grass groundings;
Where excited...

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Categories: snow, allegory, beauty, imagery, life,

Book: Shattered Sighs