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First Snow Poems

These First Snow poems are examples of Snow poems about First. These are the best examples of Snow First poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Quiet
Spring morning,
quiet. One coyote,
three deer 
running in snow.

What else have I seen?
A sparrow hawk in mid-air snatch
a robin, a sharp-shinned hawk catch
a rabbit in its...

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Categories: snow, august, morning, people, silence,

Premium Member A Viking's Void
"This is ours! All you can see."
A Scandinavian fleet crashing on the waters
Apprehensive on bringing him closer
"By first light, I'll have vanished into the mist"

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© Lee Norton  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: snow, imagery, journey, love, pain,

Premium Member Poetry Soup Kitchen
Poetry Soup Kitchen

On a dark and stormy night, when the temperature plummeted to zero below,
A poor soul was lost and frozen, in the cold and...

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Categories: snow, anxiety, community, food, poems,

Premium Member Snow White
All is pristine 
White lights twinkle,reflected on fresh fallen snow.
The black velvet backdrop of night
Enhances the perception of silvery glitter.
Each tiny flash excitedly gossips to...

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Categories: snow, bible, christian, corruption, forgiveness,

Premium Member White as Snow
White as Snow

All is pristine.
White lights twinkle,reflected on fresh fallen snow.
The black velvet backdrop of night
Enhances the perception of silvery glitter.
Each tiny flash excitedly gossips...

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Categories: snow, bible, christian, faith, forgiveness,

Children's Poems III
Children's Poems III

These are poems for children and poems about children and their mothers, fathers, grandmother, grandfathers and extended families. 

by Michael R. Burch

for Jeremy


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Categories: snow, boy, child, childhood, children,

Premium Member Contemplating Snow on the First Day of March
The falling snow is lovely 
some place else!

I will dance in the snow 
like an old woman
finding her second childhood.

The snow flakes 
are as big...

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Categories: snow, seasons,

Premium Member Spring
no more
warmer days
birds are singing
squirrels scampering
pretty flowers blooming
kids playing and having fun
lawn mowers are humming away
looks like spring has sprung into color
spring is the very...

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Categories: snow, bird, flower, fun, kid,

Scenes From The First Snow Storm of 2024
The mayor out to save a few bucks
dragged his feet declaring a snow emergency.
The sanitation department decided it was time
to begin a work slowdown...

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© Mike Lef  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: snow, weather,

Snow Clock
Under streetlights
In the silence of snow
I am back when my breath was last this loud


You tug at my t shirt with your left hand and...

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© Eli Hera  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: snow, anxiety, body, break up,

Premium Member The 4 Seasons
Winter is very cold 
the wind is bold 
snowman made the centerfold 
brown snow is old. 


Spring is in the air 
flowers now blooming...

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Categories: animal, cool, fun, snow,

Premium Member Refurbished Fairy Tales: The Real Skinny on Snow White
!!!CAVEAT LECTOR!!! This one's a bit naughty, dear readers...

You've heard of Snow White
And the story reported
Of the seven wee dudes
With whom she consorted.
Well, here's the...

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Categories: snow, humor,

Winter Precip
First the snow resembled dust,
A gentle rain of mist,
Falling slowly, with the trust 
Of wind to help assist.

Then the little droplets grew
And turned to larger...

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Categories: snow,

Premium Member Snowflake
Little snowflake land on me
But please don't melt because you see
I have a favor first to ask 
And need your help to do this task


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Categories: snow, i love you, imagery,

Premium Member The Day Turns Back Into Night ITQ
I am now up and half asleep, 
quiet I must not make a peep, 
others are still sleeping like sheep, 
need to get dressed and...

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Categories: car, sleep, snow, time,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things