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Scale Poems - Poems about Scale

Scale Poems - Examples of all types of poems about scale to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for scale.
Weighing Scale
Sometimes, a person Is measured from neck to head Much more, if he talks....Read the rest...
Categories: scale, engagement, inspirational, perspective, truth,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Revised Salary Scale
My salary, 'commensurate with responsibility' A politician's ~ on his ability to rob you and me...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, humor, money, political,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member St Pancreas, and stupidity
Stupidity's result reigns, on Englands trains, flooding in London With disruption most dire' yet Ashford is sidlined Ebbsfleet Was retired?? Thus must cause some Ire? Ignoring much infrastructure designed For the best, in tourisam in buisness its not...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, education, encouraging, endurance, environment,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Five Point Eight On the Richter Scale
They say there's a first time for everything My first time ever feeling the unsettling effects of an earthquake Albeit, it was ONLY 5.8 on the Richter Scale It happened during our holiday in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic We...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, natural disasters,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member An Equal Scale
I do love you all on an equal scale, I'm ready to tell another beautiful tale; many times before, I held it inside and hesitated to call... too afraid to share! These words area hard to say with thrill, I wasn't...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, courage, emotions, feelings, how
Form: Lyric

Earthquake and Japan
The bizarre scene when Earth has been pressured And on Richter Scales this can be measured: When the immovable readily quake, Not a single hard rock failing to shake… A punishment too familiar to Japan At a period hitting her...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, creation, earth, fear, gothic,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ooops, That Scale
That day, I was on my scale, thought I was fat? Till I realized, i was holding two, five pound cats! ...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, encouraging, humor, women,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member On a Scale of Good To Bad
Promised myself, today would be a goodie On a scale of good to bad Some days are diamonds, some days are stone Yesterday wasn't as good as I've had So many things can turn it around That really seem unimportant Like...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, change,
Form: Rhyme
Dragons Scale Underneath the Skin
Frighten being full of bright scale Treated legend like Holy Grail Kept from all story for all times With wings like angels silver lines Wake like demons with screeching sound Chained down like slaves that are bound In dungeons, realm,...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, absence, appreciation, betrayal, conflict,
Form: Rhyme
Ex Machina Tempores - Rep
this last step... protruding veins under the skin, the other imperfections and these eyes, from distance. scaly is the word for it, brittle skin. it's not good, evokes the relentless of time. it is always destruction that rushes swiftly. skin, in this case ex-home. the color...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, farewell, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Grandpa Explains the Grading Scale
Grandpa’s barn held many secrets We were cautioned to never open the boxes out there We figured there were skulls and bodies in them. When we were six we opened some Found report cards but did not understand the...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member On the Scale of Things
On the scale of things, I don't know much About technology, politics and such. Some affluent people think they know all, And treat others as if they're fools While some have no common sense Out of touch, uneducated, dense. Never the twain...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme
A Wrong Picture of Failure
To fail is to hit the bottom scale, Demonstrably show you could derail, To shamelessly lose your trail And go ahead to simply wail And at cheating sky rail Like one refused a bail: To tears receive, even tears hail, Keeping a...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, anxiety, education, people, success,
Form: Rhyme
Rio Temperature 45 Degress Celsius Scale
Mom asked to buy fresh slaughtered chicken it was 45 degrees and in a hurry to quicken bought it. put in trunk, went to the bar with friend time passed, I drank a lot you imagine the end chicken...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, adventure, allusion, funny, hilarious,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Mystical Cat In Gray Scale
Mystical cat in gray scale jump around blues Your pink tongue is rougher than the soles on my shoes You exude a mystique that makes imagination smile I was so glad to know you after a while. Mystical cat...Read the rest...
Categories: scale, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry