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Read Like An Amateur Poems Online


Thirst-quenching Poetry Soup

A community of poets, 
from all over the world,
with cultures, beliefs, 
and faiths, though different,
can participate in this contest
contributing their viewpoints.

As a common platform,
it treats amateur, professional, 
famous and budding poets alike.

Inspired by the flawless poems 
written by the luminaries,
the novices try their hand, 
so innovatively, giving colors
to their thoughts, feelings and ideas.
Encouraged by the comments
posted by the fellow Soupers,
beginners, through their poems, tell us,
how to make our lives so sublime.

The saying, “A poet can see 
what the Sun can’t”, seems right,
if we glance at the poems of every Souper.

If we venture to peep into the Soup,
poems of different genres, 
as if soldiers doing march-past, 
parade before our eyes, at one place,
quenching the thirsts of 
the readers around the globe.

Copyright © Srinivas Veepuri


Book: Shattered Sighs