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One Wild Flower

A wild flower, grew up through
a crack in the pavement, I wondered,
why already not trampled
by so many preoccupied feet?  

Sat I down on a 
park-bench, further pondering this yellow
charmer, to which I cordially gave greet -- 

“little tenant,” oh just missed another!

Thinking I saw it, knowingly parry aside;

(one wild flower, persistent, determined
not its beauty to hide.)  

Unaware came a team of training joggers, 
in colorful, striped briefs; legs and tennis shoes 
thoughtlessly-trouncing-everywhere – 

Feared I this brave little trooper had finally been
dealt its fatal wild share -- the wind of the runners' healthful,
self-indulgent passing, seemed more a cyclone of careless, 
petulant stomping – no sense a little blossom would
they spare! 

Deeply rooted in soil, it could not retreat, without vocal
cords it could not plead a shriek – could not shield itself 
from such crushing, annihilating defeat.

Sat there I a sad bit longer -- would not dare open my eyes, felt
a tear slipping, my heart seeming knee-deep in morbid dripping. 
Smeared blossom, and grieving sunbeams, saw I like a funeral's
dark-arm-band – a segment of my bright world, had just tragically
ended...gone with the lone blossom's, last futile, floral stand – 

till a child opened my eyes, making me take peak,

a sweet little voice, not the least tinge bleak, as they carefully parted: “Oh
mother, isn’t that dandelion so dashingly chic!?

Copyright © Joe Dimino


Book: Shattered Sighs