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Piano Poems - Poems about Piano

Piano Poems - Examples of all types of poems about piano to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for piano.
Premium Member TRIKU TRIPLET C piano
SATIE intervals of silence CAGE silent four minutes GLASS minimal motion music TRIKU the single word hiku with integral one word title - ...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, music, word play,
Form: Epigram
My music adventure
May 2024, when I decided to stay away, To help keep my feelings at bay. I found a piano at this place. Started practicing, thinking of impressing someone. Now, the friendship has long gone. I continue to play the piano...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, feelings, happy, january, money,
Form: Free verse

Jizzy Dillpepper
It might say I love you In order to have you Speechless What makes love so Spectacular Way more More than Craving to be More than Due to the realness Of my desire I see far beyond Yesterday The now allow me Look to tomorrow What then...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, art, music,
Form: Blank verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

She Whispers to Me
She calls my name. Trembling, unsure I try to touch her. My hands upon her as she tells my song. But she resists. I ball up my heart and hands. Listen to me she says. This is not about you, it...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member THE BLACK PIANO
Melody of promise Rhythm of desire Keyboard ivories transcending Music coming out Musical notes at a time Upper and Lower Bass Embrace In the tone One’s heart full blown Become enchanted Piano keys in their free spirit The talent behind in merit Sensation through creation Marvelous applause...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, appreciation, art, care, creation,
Form: Free verse

Con Brio-Vaudeville Playaz
Don't forget to remove the Bay leaves from the pot. Make it easier on yourself put the bay leaves and rosemary sprig in a cheese cloth. I'm in most incline to agree yet some deemed them useless almond ash and hickory ash was...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, business, devotion, money, music,
Form: Ballad
Premium Member the competition
(this is another throw-back - a piece of writing, from high school, used in my Yale applications) I pound the pillow, curse the clock and mock injunctions to rest. The sun finally rises and its rays slantwise...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, angst, anxiety, devotion, growing
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Kandle’s Pen
Some of you are concerned so very sweet You notice when I DON’T write poetry Let me assure you all is fuschia fine Waiting on inspiration to temp my mind Also I am still learning to play piano It’s...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, friendship, poetry,
Form: Couplet
A stream of music flows through my mind Petals picked, torn, ripped, from a disc I can’t remember the last time it’s been tuned Do I remember how to hum with intent so quick? Or can I continue...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, 12th grade, addiction, boy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Symphony Love Song
violins begin swelling as piano blends harp strings sing amen...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, appreciation, art, beautiful, poetry,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Old Dog, New Trick
I dunno - I'm too slow. It's no go. This sad pup must give up piano....Read the rest...
Categories: piano, age, education, music,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Piano Keys
she plays night notes they fly so high this tune moves us hands click on keys speak truth two hearts souls sing doves coo clouds clap moon muse onyx sky join her as one the jazz swoons all breath bond black wax white flames on top blow out April 12th 2012 ...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, appreciation, color, music,
Form: Footle
Letter Sealed Kiss
Tartaric acid rain of the lost calligraphy Peels to melt the running emotions Drains clog beneath dynasties Commerce to no one in seas Pourtant je vois ceasefire See a spark of defiance Harlequin of belle dame misery Catatonic brutality ends within me Phantom...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, dark,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Return to Innocence
When life seems to fade off, you come out from the mist reaching the beach, while the violins play their best note. When I touch the ground, I hear the tune of an old piano, smelling to your parfum, bringing...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, adventure, allegory, allusion, blessing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Music vs Poetry
learning piano train of thought derailing notes window flower grows...Read the rest...
Categories: piano, appreciation, art,
Form: Haiku

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