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Perla Poems - Poems about Perla

Perla Poems - Examples of all types of poems about perla to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for perla.

Premium Member Pearl Of The Orient
...Philippine is the shining Pearl of the Orient Sea, Famous for its boundless natural wealth and beauty; Land where many noble heroes bravely fought for us to be free, I'm proud to embrace my belove......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, places,
Form: Rhyme
Pearl of the Orient
...Pearls of the orient Where the gallants dwell Like the jewels of the ancient Their luster casts a spell As precious as gem Countless men cherish them Their charm is a cure To the hear......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, beauty, tribute,
Form: Rhyme

Lovely Anniversary
...J-ust U-nderstand L-ines I-n U-plifting S-tatement's & P-oetic E-xpression R-emembering L-ovely A-nniversary Topic: Anniversary of Julius & Perla Buso (December 23) Fo......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Bring Uplifting Statement
...P-oetic E-xpression R-ightfully L-ets A-crostic B-ring U-plifting S-tatement's O-pus Topic: Birthday of Perla B. Buso (December 23) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Amazing Birthday Regards
...P-oetic E-xpression R-ightfully L-ets A-uthor C-ompose A-mazing B-irthday R-egards E-mploying R-emarkable A-crostic Topic: Birthday of Perla M. Cabrera (January 19) Form: Vertical M......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Joyful Union
...J-oyful U-nion's L-ove I-n U-niqueness S-tabilizes & P-artners E-mploying R-ighteous L-eisure A-s B-oth U-se S-weet O-penness Topic: Anniversary of Julius & Perla Buso (Decemb......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member 50 Words For Poe: Rasputin
... "50 Words for Poe: Rasputin" The Rat was buried in the Pet Cemetery His name was Rasputin She had been fond of him for some time feeding him......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, dark, death of a
Form: Burlesque
Poignant Expression
...P-oignant E-xpression R-elieves L-oneliness A-fter B-eing U-sed S-o O-ften Topic: Birthday of Perla B. Buso (December 23) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Letting Almighty Creator Answer
...P-rayer E-xpresses R-equest L-etting A-lmighty C-reator A-nswer B-y R-estarting E-very R-ay's A-scent Topic: Birthday of Perla Cabrera (January 19) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Isolate Gray and Shadow
...P-leasant E-arliness R-adiantly L-ets A-nother M-orn A-ppear T-o I-solate G-ray A-nd S-hadow Topic: Birthday of Perla Matigas (September 13) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Up In Smoke - a Cigar Story
...PROFESSOR SILA, VICTOR SINCLAIR, AND ROCKY PATEL were scheduled to visit ARTURO FUENTE at the DREW ESTATE in ASHTON. However, the count of MONTE CRISTO stopped their trip at SAN MIGUEL because ......Read the rest...
Categories: perla, fantasy, imagination, on writing
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things