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North Carolina Poems - Poems about North Carolina

North Carolina Poems - Examples of all types of poems about north carolina to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for north carolina.
The Old Mill Is Gone
The streets are filled with crying men, filling the gutters up with tears. As we walk from our final shift, that’s fed us for a hundred years. Eleven hundred jobs vanished, like a leaf caught upon the wind. And Canton...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, poetry,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Rain - North Carolina
Swiftly, lightening Flashes in the sky, singing ~ Melody so calm ...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, appreciation, home, rain, storm,
Form: Haiku

The Earth Was Turning In Her Sleep
A hurricane tore North Carolina After ripping Haiti! It stalks like a hyena, Leaving a trail of calamity! I, The Earth, was turning in my sleep. Humans live for seventy years. Some build in areas that are deep Or somehow interfere with...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, earth, extended metaphor, grief,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Slave Auctions, Alive and Well In a North Carolina School
A K-8 school, J.S. Waters, was roundly chastised today Its students held a 'mock' slave auction This happened in March, in North Carolina, in the year 2022 White students sold black students as slaves,...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, abuse, horror, how i
Form: Free verse
North Carolina
Yesterday there was an earthquake in North Carolina Some things were knocked off the shelves And broken Ceilings caving in And the whole world wondered Because earthquakes never happen in North Carolina I laughed out loud when it occurred to...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

Doshier Memorial In Wilmington North Carolina
Jill has been in the hospital for seven days and I have not been writing any poems on Poetry Soup. Here is one I wrote while there with my wife. We would have started out to seek, Things explained when...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, allegory, analogy,
Form: I do not know?
North Carolina
North Carolina A young woman of North Carolina, Danced on tables at a down-town diner. Serving Chilli-dogs and fries, To leering men she despise, This Lady deserves something much finer....Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, america, dance, humor, sad,
Form: Limerick
Barney Fife
ive never met anyone in this life as nervous as deputy barney fife andy gave him a big gun but a bullet only one and will thelma ever become his wife Limerick 4 Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Joseph may 2/13/19...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, character, stress,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Good Morning North Carolina
Good Morning North Carolina By Franklin Price 12/24/2016 Good morning North Carolina It's Christmas eve today Half way around the world The sleigh is on the way Santa must start somewhere With the children tucked in tight I believe he's in Australia It's the...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, christmas,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member North Carolina
North Carolina—a beautiful place of humble abode, On summer vacations or all the year round. Rife with history, the Wright Brothers showed, Thanks to Kitty Hawk's sand dunes at heights quite profound, Hosting Earth's first manned flight on wings...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, beauty, bird, flying, home,
Form: Rhyme
Blue Love - North Carolina
Blue blue blue blue blue blue Dressed in blue banging North Carolina I'm a blue dog I'm a blue dog I'm a blue dog dressed in blue banging North Carolina yeah I bleed blue yeah I bleed...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, community, culture, dedication, hip
Form: Free verse
Ban Backwards North Carolina: Psa
BAN BACKWARDS NORTH CAROLINA (PSA) deep in the belly of the empire where “fights between cats and dogs are prohibited,” “women must be covered in AT LEAST 16 yards of cloth at all times,” “bingo games cannot last over 5...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, life, rights, together, ,
Form: Free verse
Food Lion, Fayetteville, North Carolina
Her list includes croutons and jelly and jam, as I read down, I see knockwurst and ham. Bananas and tuna, pick up Borax and Bold, if there's no Zest, then get Palmolive Gold. Orange juice and lemons, Pepsi and...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, food, funny, husband, places
Form: Rhyme
Landscape - Conway, North Carolina
Cotton Swooning acres of it Cotton Brown bush withering miles of it Cotton Fallen ground level clouds The white of it Memory shaking shrouds The plight of it. And all this innocence of white The black earth yields All this - strands of phony light In dry...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, black african american, history,
Form: Free verse
North Carolina
the time?no one cares the mountain's called me in then when am i going?...Read the rest...
Categories: north carolina, art,
Form: Haiku

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