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Top 25 Results (Member Poems)

You searched Exact Keyword(s): graduation in category: me and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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In a Second

It’s strange that everything happens in a second

The conception of a child
The moment of graduation
The time you died

The time it's taken to read this poem

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Life Coaching

     Win at all costs
     No game is lost

   We've got the team
     On to V-I-C-T-O-R-Y
   Formula for Life ~ 
     Upon graduation, repeat
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Through the Eyes of Jewelry

Creative is the girl
making her own jewelry
painting her own style
using her own imagery

ecstatic are the teens
with their class rings
thinking 'celebration'
in a year at graduation

giddy is the woman
with her engagement diamond
grinning ear to ear
as she plans her wedding reception

sleepy is the mom
making a ring for her daughter
hoping to inspire 
creativity in another
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My Life


Born in Dublin on Saint Patrick's Day
School; spelling champ; steady girl
Senior Prom; graduation; went away
Air Force career; traveled the world

Turkey; Germany; England; Japan
Korea; Vietnam; Philippines; Guam
Austria; Hawaii; Azores; Alaska; all grand
Thirty eight contiguous states fit the plan

Fully retired  --  more to be told  --  stay tuned 

22 September 2018
For the contest sponsored by Anthony Slausen
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EXTRA EXTRA, Read all about it
The end is near, the end is near
2k12 is finally here
We've come so far to go even further
Its now our time, no longer are we observers
We slowly, one by one, step out of our oysters
To walk our path through a life of employers
We loved our mistakes and every time we've fallen
From ever victory from ever problem
We've put in the time
And now live to tell
We've turned our lives
And turned them well
So remember the class of 2012

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Not So Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen
Time to decide
Make up your mind
No time to ponder
The end is coming nearer
Graduation creeps closer
My time is almost over
The years pass like days
They pass and fade
The future becomes bolder
No way to escape
Stuck to the path like tape
So many questions I want to ask
The future like a light in the eye
I can’t look away
Must stare straight ahead
I want to run
But the wheel has been spun
And there’s noting I can do
Except follow the line
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Distant Thunder

We were there,
  but we weren’t

We took part,
  and we didn’t

There was war,
  with all affected

There was death,
  and some objected

There was music,
  we got lost in

  left us frozen

  drove us inward

  for beginners

Half a century,
  now forgotten

Ten short years,
  in time begotten

Raged a storm,
  of hope and wonder

Alive today,
 —a distant thunder

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
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Shadorma Life and Death

*Image of Life Death Hourglass by Pixabay. Shadorma Life and Death Shadorma: Life A baby Their first baby steps They're walking They're talking Their graduation, marriage Start a family. *HMS: 3,5,3,3,7,5. Shadorma: Death Occasions Our lifetime partner Birth abides All our lives Shadows round-the-clock non-stop Until instructed. *HMS: 3,5,3,3,7,5. 2022 February 17 *1st Place* Give Me A Shadorma ~~Sotto Poet: Judged 2022 March 06
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Graduation Day

Four years have come and gone,
Sooner than one would believe.
We've made our time worth its while,
But now it's time to go our separate ways.
Today's the day where we shine brighter than any star in the sky.
We're different in our own ways,
But we know how to come together as one.
From getting lost in a new place,
As young, naïve freshmen,
To strutting our stuff,
Down the runway of life.
We've made history!
The class that teachers will be proud to say,
"They were the ONE. Double the fun!"
Our time has come,
So let's show them what we've got!
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Old Days Were Good Times

Oh to have tools to hold back Time!
To make the hours just stay,
And let the years stop in their prime,
Age held back in delay!

To have the chance to dance again,
Laugh more and worry less,
Relish the music we had then-
All that sixty's goodness!

The jukebox songs and ice cream days,
Bobby socks and barn dance!
Tears at high school graduation day,
Slam books and teen romance.

Although we cannot hold back Time
He simply runs too fast!
I hold him in my words and rhyme-
And write things of the past!

Cynthia Buhain-Baello~~~03.19.16
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As He Began Paving His Way

When he entered college that fall,
The light of knowledge cast its ray.
He learned how to stand proud and tall,
As he began paving his way.

The light of knowledge cast its ray
Over his young mind as he grew.
He worked throughout the night and day
To make sure that his dreams came true.

He learned how to stand proud and tall
In his time of graduation.
He then carried a mighty haul
Without any hesitation.

As he began paving his way,
He kept on running at full speed.
He continued to work and play,
And still helped those who were in need.

© 2021
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A beige sun cap was found
floating in the lake where
he was last seen swimming.

A cradle cap lies with the sweet
powdery baby scent still
lingering in her empty crib.

A blue baseball ball cap on
wet pavement amidst broken
glass fragments and bent bicycle.

A green girl scout cap clinging
to brush over the side of a cliff
where sun dried grasses grow.

A white graduation cap amidst
the mangled magenta Mazda,
broken beer bottle below the boughs.

A veteran camouflage cap half
burried in the desert sands, sun
bleached, made in the U.S. of A.

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God Redeems Lost Mankind

Man is lost in his sin
condemned for all eternity
what can be done?
is there no saving possibility?

The eternal creator almighty God
has intervened into the situation
for His son the Lord Jesus Christ
came to earth for man's salvation

This Jesus became man's substitute
taking their sin this did He
going to the cross of Calvary
dying there to set them free

On the third day He arose
from death and hell
purchasing man's eternal redemption
so now God's love story we can tell

God now offers salvation
to all elected from every nation
enter to heaven's graduation
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Melodies of Life

Free as a mockingbird singing

No kids in sight and unmarried

Had one husband, but now none

Colleges broaden my horizon

Learning about the world

Heartache and heartbreak

Lost in the frenzy of despair

To death and grief

Lost the grip of my father's clasped hand

Visualizing roses tossed in the air

High School graduation day

Drawing pictures in the IRS building

Clasping my father's hand firmly

It's take your daughter to work day

Ears clear with clarity

As my mother sings me to sleep

A horizon of toys block my view

In my cradle fast asleep
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If I have traveled by walk, Plane or Car
I prayed those steps to gerund this far. a poem I wish
To be a Star! That will be a goodlight Dawn to smile.
Whence my motivations follows my inspiration. guess
Education guided Me through my graduation Days of
Irritation tip - toed by Nights of frustration writing I
Need a Vacation that will be goodlight Dawn to smile
Death In the family a new Birth to a friend new
Beginnings In Life and old times that end I'm here after
Traveling the miles I know this Trip was worth the while
To stay on top you ask Me how? A Poet like Me can hold a smile.
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Last Time Forever

A mother’s loving look at her newborn child,
Never able to relive that moment again.
For it’s the last time forever.

Walking into kindergarten for the first time,
Feeling so alone and afraid, don’t fear
For it’s the last time forever.

Kneeling in prayer as you are born again,
Living as a sinner no longer,
For it’s the last time forever.

Walking across stage on graduation night,
Nervous because it’s your last few steps as a “child”,
For it’s the last time forever.

Praying to God to help you jump the hurdles,
Seeing prayers being answered, never doubt
For it’s NOT the last time forever.
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Here we are at the end of a trail
We took some wrong turns but were able to find the path again
Echoing behind us in our memories are our achievements
And our disappointments
We laughed with our peers since grade school til' now
Fights started and ended between friends and foes
Everyone mourned the loss of classmates that were taken away
And together we all encouraged the representatives of our school
For these last four years we tried our best
But not all the time
Now graduation is here
The time to say goodbye is near
Together with our futures uncertain
We step off the trail and begin to pave a new road
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Dragged Against My Will

A man was on his way home 
to prepare for his daughters
he never made it 
because of racial discrimination
walking down the road
with a heart beaming full of pride
for a child he sired
he could not wait 
to open his arms wide
and loving hold her
telling her how proud of her he was
it never happened 
his body laid in pieces 
along the road side
a joyous event 
turned in to something
that induced many to cry
James remains were left in front 
of an African American (black) cemetery
he went home to be with his LORD
let not your heart be troubled
work together to be on one accord
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Class Reunion

Many of my friends i had when i graduated with is going to be at our reunion i am not going to be there because of what happen to me .
Not much has happen since the past ten years for them except they went to college i did not .
    When graduation friends forever happen we lost contact with each other people gave up on me .
      Class reunion is when they see each other again but i can not
This is supposed  to be the best thing ever but it is not for me .
    When am i ever going to see my friends again i wonder .
    I hope it turns out to be good sometimes without me their .
 They act like they do not care for me any more i wonder why .
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An Unforgettable Father

An unforgettable
father you are,
As if you left me 
trapped in a glass jar.

Not much space to 
see what i please,
Lord please cure me 
from this sicking disease.

Disease of hurt and pain,
As deceitful thoughts of you 
float through the brain.

Days you missed 
i cant forget,
Left out in the rain 
all cold and wet.

My graduation 
how could you,
No excuses yet 
I'm not through.

A card, balloons, 
you showing up,
Would have over
turned my cup.

What going on 
I'm confused,
Why is it that i 
Have to be abused?

I don't know what to say
Cause these things bother,
The thoughts of  you
and unforgettable father.
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Summer School

From September to June, you didn't act too cool. That's why they forced you to attend summer school. With grades of D and F, there's no way you were proud. At the graduation ceremony, you were not allowed. No, they would not let you wear a cap and gown. Your classmates voted you the school's biggest clown. You were lucky the school board didn't chase you out of town. Just think, you could have been lying on the beach at the shore. What else could you be doing? I can think of lots more! So hit those books while you are in summer class. That's the price you have to pay for being a horse's ass! Inspired by another member's poem.
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Never There

You weren't there when I took my first step,
You weren't there to catch me when I would fall,
You weren't there when I said my first word,
You weren't there when I lost my first tooth,
You weren't there to watch me grow up,
You weren't there to say how proud of me you were,
You weren't there to celebrate my birthdays,
You weren't there to tuck me in at night,
You weren't there when I would have a bad dream,
You weren't there to teach me to play games,
You weren't there on my graduation day,
You weren't there just to make me laugh,
You weren't there when I needed you the most,
But I had someone there to give me a boost,
And that's all that counts
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Old Photographs

old photographs~
faded and creased
my grandma's treasure
inside an embroidered album
where memories are etched
upon each page

printed in grayscale
those filmed-captured
by a vintage camera
vivid were  memories 
despite decades that passed~
my first smile...
my first crawl...
my first walk...
sweet reminiscence 
of a first-born granddaughter ~

So much loved...
So much treasured...

grayscale transformed
into colored outputs
as it captured 
the highlights of school life:
me and my grandparents 
smiling faces 
gold medals in my neck
graduation day~

as I turn another page
I see a dried leaf...
teardrops fall.

12 April 2022
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Collective Memories

What are our collective memories
Of rain on a tin roof at night
Whilst snuggled under the covers
Not wanting to be anywhere else

Being with your friends kicking a football around
And riding you bike as fast as you could
Of school days in wooden classrooms 
That were hot in summer and cold in winter

End of school days when the world opened to you
And your first kiss Olof your first love
Your graduation day with parade and celebration 
That started your blue years on

Your wedding day and your years together
When your children were born each one
These days are on record for us all
And we cherish these memories each one.

© Paul Warren Poetry
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Happy Mother's Day

From Kindergarten to Graduation,
you've made a lasting impression.
From the good times to the bad,
you've been the greatest mother I could have ever had.
You've been a great inspiration in my life.
A loving mother, and to Dad, a superb wife.
You've helped me keep my head straight,
took off work to watch me at the plate.
As the years go by and my life begins to wind,
your love and advice is one of a kind.
Thanks for showing me the way,
to becoming a man one day.
From playing sports to playing with toys,
no matter what, I will always be your baby boy.
Thank you for everything you've ever done,
I always have been and always will be,
Your Loving Son!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things