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Funny May Poems

These Funny May poems are examples of May poems about Funny. These are the best examples of May Funny poems written by international poets.

Premium Member May Be From Outer Space
 Did you ever see a cow with a green eyebrow
Wow! Hope you sought some help
Did you ever see a llama, wearing pink pyjamas
Something more...

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Categories: may, space,

Premium Member Raining in summer
On this majestic month of May, 
The clouds have conspired with the sun in a mist of golden gray,
Like a toxic forbidden love that fights...

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Categories: cheer up, funny, may,

Snow in the heat
The sun was up, what bright sunny day!
A rabbit with a snowboard on its way.
A daydreamer, lost in a song
singing its tunes, all along.
Till it...

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Categories: dream, funny, may, silly,

Premium Member To Ohm It May Concern
To Ohm it may concern,

Please volt in the upcoming electrons.  Currently Watts is sparking some interest by generating some positive juice, while Joules is...

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Categories: may, funny, light, parody,

To Whom It May Concern
To whom it may concern,
For time will surely tell,
I write to my loved ones
To say that I am well.

I scarcely can recall
A time more I...

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Categories: may, death, eulogy, funeral, funny,

Premium Member Funny Slang a Historical Record May 18 !948
Jury Duty, such a response ability it's not
this, that is hard for me, as much as my encounter
with folks to or from their court parking...

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Categories: may, adventure, funny, spoken word,

In the Month of May Nursery Rhyme

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Categories: may, child, funny, nice,

Premium Member The Ides of May
'Tis well past the ides of May now.
The wind grows strong and wild.
It whistles past the windows, 'round the eaves.

The weather now is iffy,
Hot one...

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© Judy Ball  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: may, seasons, weather,

To Whom It May Concern
To all that these my words can reach
The weak, the strong, the poor, the rich
I want to let it known today
That I have met a...

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Categories: may, appreciation, assonance, august, feelings,

Premium Member May I Pray For You
May I Pray for You?

Five words that can change, 
everything, for you…
for me…
for us…
for the whole world, 
if we let Him. 

Why does that make...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: may, allah, america, angel, child

Premium Member What a Gemini Does
Gemini magic oozes from my soul
Interested in everything, I flit from one thing to another
Dressed in my butterfly disguise, I land, but fly away fast.

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Categories: may, 10th grade, 11th grade,

Premium Member Queen of the May
The Queen of the May
Each and every day
The Queen of goodness
The Queen of play.

A spirited miss who has her say.
Who lives her good in every...

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Categories: may, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,

Premium Member You May Pay On Your Way Out
Ever take one of those psychological stress quizzes 
With one of those psychiatrist
Know-it alls?
Me neither.

Ever gonna?
Me neither.

What would be the point?
Oh, my GAWD! You should...

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Categories: may, 10th grade, 11th grade,

Bye May
Here Lays May
Who was on her way
To a little old bar,
She was hit by a car....

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© Wendy M   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: may, death of a friend,

Premium Member Insults You May Use
You're not as dumb as people say, you're dumber
Seen people like you before, but had to pay admission
You're so fat, you could sell shade
Do you...

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Categories: may, funny,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things