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Long Greenpeace Poems

Long Greenpeace Poems. Below are the most popular long Greenpeace by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Greenpeace poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Community Health Assurance
Transparently robust private/public healers,
investigate, with appreciation,
cooperative health insurance
for people,
healthy homes,
resilient transportation,
and cooperative tree and plant and children and elderly nursing
preserved through winter kitchens
and solar-fueled composting centers.

Health insurance assurance,
transubstantiating health/wealth reassurance,
investing in cooperatively-owned and eco-managing
therapeutic non-violent...

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Categories: greenpeace, community, conflict, corruption, courage, freedom, green, health,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member What Daddy Demands
EarthMama Invites

Without RightDaddy Dominance,
Left EcoMama
and Her still innocent suppressed Children,
share no opposing WinLose
internalized voices,
just anxious and angry
and fearful feelings
about LoseLose
ego and Earth

Because all RightBrain feeling voices
and chemistries
are outside Sacred NatureSpirit
Patriarchal/Matriarchal Voices
secular and sacred...

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Categories: greenpeace, bullying, caregiving, gender, health, integrity, love, violence,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Creation Stories
A lovely outcome for our recreational journey,
or Way
or Truths,
or LoveLives,
whichever you prefer to pick out
from among this graced array,
tells a multi-generational creation story
of cosmic sacred ecology
and Earth's evolution revolutions,
drawing on and with 
scientific deductive knowledge

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Categories: greenpeace, community, education, health, integrity, love, religion, science,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Did You Ever Notice
Did you ever notice
our vampire legends
are almost always patriarchal,
sometimes even princely
and excruciatingly royalist,

While witches plot and evil plan
in coven craven circles
more undershadow than legendary.

Wizards might be BullyVampire Princes
while witches may be victimized and therefore victimizing...

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Categories: greenpeace, courage, green, health, humor, tribute,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Health Predicts Safety
In some primordial 
wandering birth-canal way,
I imagine we all experience traumatic excommunication

An internal climate PanDemonic
cerebral yet narrowly competitive 
win/lose health today or safety tomorrow survivalist
life or death revivalist

EcoFeminist MotherYang Warriors for GreenPeace Experience
or DeGenerative LoseLose...

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Categories: greenpeace, education, health, history, integrity, light, peace, planet,
Form: Political Verse

Premium Member Ecofeminist Blues
how dominant or repressed,
predative or victimized,
winner or loser,
positive or negative,
show up in so many paradigms
of light,

And/Or predetermined
prejudicial shadow
too bipolar--

Not enough dipolar both/and
cause/effective co-arising nuanced circles
[not lines 
much less militaristic vanquishing bold squares]
recycling civility,
repurposing cooperative humanity,

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Categories: greenpeace, culture, earth, health, integrity, peace, strength, woman,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member When Multiculturally Presiding
As no one
never said
about nothing,

"Calling in human health care options
might not imply
calling out
lack of Earth-wealthy choices."

I could, possibly,
but certainly not prudently,
go all the way

Even further back,
to European roots
to StraightWhiteMale monoculturalism,
Christian-Royalist monotheistic supremacy
over educational
and development systems


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Categories: greenpeace, earth, earth day, environment, green, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Correcting Unhealthy Inaccuracies
EarthMother senses a difference
between Political Correctness
and everyday domestic political accuracy.

Political accuracy grows best
and sprouts up healthiest rooted
in directly observed EarthNatured experience

While CapitalInvested Political Correctness
is more shallow sandy shifty rooted
in some LeftBrain dominant
EgoPatriarchal WorldView Theory
of competitively...

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Categories: greenpeace, earth day, health, mother, peace, political, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Red Justice But Green Peace
HeteroSapiens have bipolar developed
miraculous capacities
to stretch and blur
legitimate moral peace initiatives
subordinate to licit legal judicial systems

Judiciously approved punishment
for misdemeanors
and moral
and carnal
and original sins
requiring flat fees
regardless of capacity to pay,
burning at the stake,
chemical injections,

Capital disembodied punishments

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Categories: greenpeace, culture, earth day, health, peace, psychological, religion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member More Song and Dance Please
What to gladly sing
about our global economic politics
and socially inept monoculturing predation?
divinely self-righteous 
missionary terrorist zeal
also known as religious

Such global
and national
and local PatriarchalCapitalist
RightWing unhealthy issues

Seem to have started
sometime after we stopped
singing and dancing 

And before...

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Categories: greenpeace, christian, christmas, desire, health, integrity, muse, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member If I Were She
If I were S/He
I would look downstream
for a power so high
this mythic enlightenment feels sacredly deep
and widely therapeutic
mystical in feeling,
practical in  application.

If I were She
I would declare a new Wisdom:
National superpowers corrupt
toward fundamentally polarizing...

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Categories: greenpeace, health, heart, integrity, military, passion, peace, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sad Kindness
Neither happiness or sadness
can preclude each other's continued personal
and economic,
and psychological,
and neurological potentiality

If only because sadness
has something to teach us
about happy health
and sad pathology,

About EarthCentric virtuous circles
competing with AnthroPrivileged vicious exploitation,

About this possibility of creative

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Categories: greenpeace, anxiety, green, happiness, health, passion, power, sad,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Healing Bad Climates
Some healers counsel us not to count the cost
of healing deficits

successful greenest healers
win by counting costs
yet not worrying too conflicted much
about how we will cooperatively pay them
and when
and over how long a climatic time period

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Categories: greenpeace, analogy, environment, games, health, humor, muse, music,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Delivering On Earthjustice
In retributive,
vengeance is Ours
court systems,
attorney advocates are taught
to never ask publicly witnessed questions
they do not already have the true
slam-dunk useful answer for,
or at least their known rehearsed
and compliant response.

In restorative,
EarthJustice systems,
RightBrain courted,
and usually LeftHemisphere discounted,


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Categories: greenpeace, earth day, easter, health, history, hope, humanity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Now What Did You Do
What did you do
once you knew?
We have competition
and cooperation cultures
in dynamic tension

What did you cooperatively do
once you knew?
Green ecosystemic student teachers
asked our healthiest remaining grandparents

How did you consecrate cooperative ownership
and mutually managed
robust water systems?
Aquamarine baptismal...

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Categories: greenpeace, caregiving, confusion, corruption, environment, health, journey, love,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Effective Feedback
Who would want a thermostat
unable to effectively regulate talking to itself?

We all long for recreative environmental response systems
of mutual listening wonder,
sacredly transcending mere domination of will-power
without bilaterally cooperative holistic prominence
of systemic identity ourselves.

Who wants a...

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Categories: greenpeace, anti bullying, health, integrity, peace, people, ,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Aging In Curious Places
As I age in place
into awareness of replaceability
I bow to humbling curiosity,

Whether more anxious
or anticipating,
I remain conflicted

About predicting
a win/win global healthy climate
sustainable outcome

In which my own anthroprivileged species
grows in ecological curiosity
and theological humility

Enough for winning...

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Categories: greenpeace, age, earth day, health, paradise, peace, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Kindred Spirits
Yours is my sacred non-zero soul
core center shared

Surrounded by your robust
masculine energy

Not to exploit
and yet not too shy

Not too retractive
nor extractive,

our cooperative re-investing,
powerfully ebbing
and succulently flowing
further enculturating future.

So, I do not cheat without you

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Categories: greenpeace, deep, health, integrity, love, passion, political, power,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Integrity and Mendacity
Integrity of Love
summarizes late summer harvests,
Sacred PositivEnergy vocations
more ego inside during colder hibernated nights
committing to outdoor GreenPeace
through eco-restorative justice
helping EarthTribe learn
when and what
outdoor polyphonic
and indoor polypathic wherever leading
and whatever integrity

Matriarchal trusting We
and Privileged RightWing
WesternWhiteMale Lives...

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Categories: greenpeace, caregiving, color, culture, environment, health, language,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Massively Unmediated Greenpeace
Recent confrontations
between older RightWing defenders of orthodox violence
and younger LeftWing liberators for inclusive cooperative peace
and restorative,
therapeutic green justice,
have all been massively mediated
between Donald Trump's Make America Grotesque Again campaign threats
to promote unhealthy narcissistic uniformity 

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Categories: greenpeace, caregiving, community, destiny, health, humanity, humor, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Losses Predicting Wins
I asked the Christian evangelical
proudly wearing his Make America Great Again
red golfing cap:

What day to day spiritual experience
of grace
humane relationships
rich in joy
would you lose
if God the Father of omnipotent Love

Turns out to also be
the Mother...

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Categories: greenpeace, anti bullying, culture, health, integrity, paradise, peace,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Indigenous Weathered Wisdom
are things that invite my active RightBrain hope
despite all my leftbrain dominant distancing experience

And win/lose 0-Sum absence
of sacred faith
in Loves yet unseen,
on this deep and wide-hearted
co-relational Earth.

In healthy relationships
I feel a great difference
between a...

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Categories: greenpeace, health, identity, integrity, tree, voice, wisdom, women,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Greenpeace
I love this planet
The environment I hold dear
I say no to Oil
I say no to Plastic
I say no to Garbage
I say NO NO NO to carbon
Oh the trees breathe carbon?
I will have to look into...

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Categories: greenpeace, earth, environment, garden,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Revolutionary Greenpeace
Most of life plays out somewhere
in-between resplendent deification of MotherEarth
and rabid defiance of EarthMother

Is a peculiarly Republican challenge,
confusing unchanging 
divinely dogmatically inspired

As if such Tradition were against
unitarian economic political flow
of Earth-conserving sacred grace
co-invested capital...

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Categories: greenpeace, god, health, integrity, peace, power, religion, wisdom,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member When Hope Sings
When I am a healthy Norwich person
I hope to feel warm and joyful gratitude
for compassionate nonviolent communicators
past and present

With cooperatively nonpartisan
dipolar co-arising transportive projects

Voiced choices
to restore local
and bioregionally cooperative EarthHealth

multicultural heart-felt Care
for EarthJust restoring...

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Categories: greenpeace, earth, health, integrity, muse, native american, peace,
Form: Political Verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things