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Long Fir Poems

Long Fir Poems. Below are the most popular long Fir by PoetrySoup Members. You can search for long Fir poems by poem length and keyword.

Premium Member Oak

The guardians
stood around and 
shook their heads

great thoughts 
from the ground, roots up, 

as if to walk 
with great armies

yet hesitation 
was witnessed
in their waving gestures

and touching 
green crowns, 

there they...

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Categories: fir, dark, journey, light, symbolism,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member The Body bag or body of lies
After numerous threats on our lives after 
the domestic violence with my abuser after 
I returned from Tampa testifying in a murder 
trial I  was finally healing several therapist home 
visits my children and...

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Categories: fir, baptism, beautiful, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The massive convoy of threats
Begins with Hyundai's my stalker fatal attraction 
rushing in front of our disabled vehicle then rams break 
hard causing us to panic my spouse and I both disabled 
this has cause severe discrimination and victimization...

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Categories: fir, anxiety, depression, discrimination, health, husband, mental health,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Canopy and Economy
Sun and traffic - day economy.
Six a.m. drive to plywood mill. Too tired
to be angry. Each day a step
toward death. What is being accomplished? The
small satisfactions
within each day. Book consciously read.
And frustrations. Package dropped, honey...

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Categories: fir, baby, day, history, jobs, teacher, tree, wind,
Form: Verse
Aroma Poetry
Mother nature oh! Rose of roses!
Mother of all flowers' and smell,
Ylang Ylang! You don't know what it causes!
An aphrodisiac turns you on like hell!

Sandalwood with its masculine warmth poses,
Rosemary clears the head, you can tell,

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Categories: fir, beauty, flower, rose, uplifting,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Life's Stories
His eyes are dark, but, there's still a spark. 
There are canyons in his face.
His lungs are gone and it won't be long,
'Till his heart can't keep the pace.
He's lived three lives, had his share...

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Categories: fir, journey, life,
Form: Rhyme
Heartshot Kid Disaster
Apologies are due
Apologies are due
yet I am not the one to say them
Apologies are due but
but I am not the one
not today to give them
Fir all I have to give is a need to vent

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Categories: fir, anger, universe,
Form: Bio
Premium Member The Little Fir Tree
There was a plantation of fir trees
for some unknown reason, most of them
were three to four years old but one,
it was only in its first year of growth.

When Christmas drew near, the loggers came
and started...

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Categories: fir, christmas, tree,
Form: Epic
Premium Member Stalked By August Trees
Every time I change directions
lately, and possibly beforely,
Trees stand by to mentor
and nurture,
to feed with branched hands
to bleed when uprooted
from aptic past centuries
of hibernating winter naps.

Trees of original pheromone attraction,
August spawned
like Taurus colonizing crabgrass
embedded in...

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Categories: fir, august, community, food, health, history, river, tree,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member 12 Days of Christmas From Maine
On the first day of Christmas my hubby gave to me
A large whoopie pie

On the Second day of Christmas my hubby gave to me
Two fishing poles and a large whoopie pie

On the third day of...

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Categories: fir, humor, places,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member An Untankful Poetic Truce
In another life  

There was a strife  

Angry like the frustrated wife  

Embarked on  

By those who enjoy a con  

‘Invade’ my enemy did say  

“You are going to...

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Categories: fir, anxiety, conflict, earth, freedom, international, march, war,
Form: Rhyme
Sea World
The waters of joy splashed my direction
Happiness is coming my way
Happiness is coming my way
Nothing is in my way
Nothing is in my way

I walk gaily while people pass me by
I’m as shy as the bears...

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Categories: fir, anxiety, beautiful, change, emotions, fear, hope, sad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Tael To Tail
Early in the MOURNING I usually went out,
To ride my bike on a FLOUR filled route.
BUTT because of the WHEATHER, today I changed,
A nice ride in the evening I had arranged.

I found myself riding THREW...

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Categories: fir, adventure, bible, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme
Phi Poetry of Reality In Dream


   "I have seen and heard the vibrancy of dreams, 
and the way 
of the crossings-through the ills 
and through the barriered things."

A fleeting spark that perceives, 
I, have seen...

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Categories: fir, art,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Christmas Cigars
Everyone voted Mrs. Garret’s tree as the best Christmas display in the village. Which was surprising in a way, as she was not really a local. 

Richard Garret, her husband, was not a man to...

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Categories: fir, christmas, conflict,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member The Price of Admission

                              THE PRICE OF ADMISSION

So many...

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Categories: fir, childhood, growing up, innocence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Green Armchair
I was a pleasant, conscientious librarian, whose world consisted of books,
As a world of fragrant beauty, can be found in the glossy, honeyed nooks.

Although it was pleasant work and appealing, I was not so very...

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Categories: fir, adventure, books, fantasy, journey, life, nature, places,
Form: Couplet
Me and Catalina ( a Western Tale)
I had fallen in love with a young Mexican maiden in the town of El Paso
Completely mesmerized by her eyes had me following her wherever she would go.  In 
Rosa’s Cantina, the music would...

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Categories: fir, cowboy-western, fantasy, love, dance, me, dance, me,
Form: Prose Poetry
Undo Unmake
But breakfast’s subject beckons: 
the booster affair effect in Tumblr-
land? The digital map surveillance
co-sponsor the soccer mom sauce
minivan project, relay & speech 
to cell battery fiasco. Batteries 
have lives too, reads the cloud script.
FML maxims...

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Categories: fir, allegory,
Form: Rhyme
Come Closer, Look Again
Smaller than a dinosaur, 
But bigger than a bear, 
A boulder’s tucked back in the woods,
Forever, it’s been there.
It’s wondrous in its natural form,
A nursery, home, and den.
You may not notice at first glance,
Come closer,...

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Categories: fir, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Nascent pristine morning awakens charisma,
curtains of anxieties pulled aside-- oh look they reveal!
A whitewashed wall proudly flaunting the crayon drawing,
my daughter's innocent fantasies when she was nine.
Windows of paraphernalia bask in golden glory,
transparent dew drops...

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Categories: fir, angel, god,
Form: Free verse
Morning Mail
A hymen or a hyena on a hyperlink is akin to a rotating rogue on a rhododendron. Balancing is deemed important by heavy duty wheels upon petals. Such a fascination for the hibernating hybrid horses....

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Categories: fir, absence,
Form: I do not know?
Poems - Part 4

Passed way the years...
I was little child, 
Then, young, 
Now...i am old...
I was a small blade of grass
Growing up on a meadow
But now, ...i must fall...
I will born again...
A new blade of...

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Categories: fir, philosophytime,
Form: Personification
Another Dream
In another dream I found myself on Captain Jesus' noble galleon.
"What's the matter little one?" Jesus asked me as He stood beside me.
"I try to fit in down here but I don't feel like I...

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Categories: fir, blessing, celebration, happiness, prayer,
Form: Free verse
The Trapper and the Brave, Part Ii
He shrugged and said,”If you’ve no home
I guess you could stay for a while.
But you will have to learn the traps,
and that means many cold miles.”

Bill answered back, between fast bites,
“I’ll work hard if it...

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Categories: fir, adventure, family, friendship, grandfather, life, nature, winter,
Form: Narrative

Book: Shattered Sighs