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Leila Poems - Poems about Leila

Leila Poems - Examples of all types of poems about leila to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for leila.
...A dweller in waste places, a void in foggy darkness, the unseen shadow that trails us. A doom that curses benign plants. A tenacious panting wolf feeding off the sorrows of the soil. She'......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, anger, angst, evil, imagery,
Form: Free verse

...CONVERSATION Tell me Polly, what does it say? Well, I’m not sure I wish to share Please, I never receive letters Ah, I’m sorry for you, Leila Oh, Polly, is it from – him? Yes, it is from Edmu......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, crush, mystery,
Form: Free verse
Work In Progress 1
...I was born the eighth among nine siblings .One sister Gladyss Darlene ,seven years older ,died after five days from a condition she would have probably survived had she been born in the hospital.I ha......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, growing up, home,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lord God of My Life
...Lord of my life is God*, granting me genuine liberty Endowing me blessings to share and give earnestly Imparting to me divine nature of spiritual impact <......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, birthday, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Acrostic
Dear Ducklings
...My Ducklings, Like roses, They’re soft and delicate, With thorns, They’re ready to prick My Ducklings, Hard like rocks, Study like bamboo My Ducklings, Like a butterfly, Their trans......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, 11th grade, appreciation, happy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Pando Waits Pando's shadow a young maiden sings wander'd to and fro peat bog feet sloshing auburn locks adorned in daisy crowned rings quite unaware that something was watching one with thick skinned c......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, friendship, heart, life, memory,
Form: Rhyme
...Setting a place through the corners of your heart I'm wondering what kind of spaces you built Do those same walls pierced the light in you Or you enjoy a greater and peaceful presence I was ali......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, beautiful, depression,
Form: Free verse
In Sacred Marriage
...I-n S-acred M-arriage A-lmighty's E-ssential L-aws & L-iterally E-mploy I-mportant L-esson's A-dmonition Topic: Anniversary of Ismael & Leila Gumawid (January 17) Form: ......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member --A Star Danced--
...          * A Star Danced* So ebony soft is indeed this night. However, only to be lit by a dancing star. I watched with profound amazement, At all the ballet moves it knew from ......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, chicago, dance, dedication, memory,
Form: Rhyme
Letting Event Implement Love
...I-nspired S-cribe M-arvelously A-uthors E-xcellent L-ines & L-etting E-vent I-mplement L-ove A-s G-reeter U-ses M-atrimonial A-nniversary W-ith I-mportant D-edication Topic......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
Glad Reader Enjoys Excellent Note
...L-iterary E-xpression I-n L-ovely A-crostic S-imply A-pplies M-use A-bout R-ighteous R-egard A-s I-ts G-lad R-eader E-njoys E-xcellent N-ote Topic: Birthday of poetess Leila S......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, birthday, poetess,
Form: Acrostic
Effulgence In Light
...L-ovely E-ffulgence I-n L-ight A-bates G-ray U-sing M-orn A-s W-eather I-s D-elightful Topic: Birthday of Leila V. Gumawid (December 04) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Sacred Matrimony
...I-n S-acred M-atrimony A-n E-ndlessL-ove & L-ets E-vangelical I-nstruction L-ast A-s G-od U-ses M-arriage A-dvancing W-edlock's I-mp ortant D-ecree Topic: Anniversary of Is......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, anniversary,
Form: Acrostic
I Got a Kick Out of Leila
...One day when I came home from school Uncle Fount and Aunt Helen were there Entering, all eyes were on me I felt a thickness in the air! Mom took my lone ranger lunch box A small bruise on my l......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, boy, childhood, humor, remember,
Form: Quatrain
The Last Shall Be First
...(The Torre Vela is a prominent castle tower at the "prow" of the Alhambra Palace, and dominates the Spanish city of Granada.) My lame-ass lips can't even draw McDonalds milkshake through a str......Read the rest...
Categories: leila, humorous,
Form: Rhyme

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