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Leech Poems - Poems about Leech

Leech Poems - Examples of all types of poems about leech to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for leech.
Jack, Jack, Jack and jack, what about me, my name is Jill I’m only mentioned once, when we climbed up the hill , Then Jack fell, and broke his crown, I was filled with dread, So tumbled after...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, children,
Form: Rhyme
Speeches and leeches
Speeches peaches, Just like leeches, Sucking my blood, Sucking my nards, It’s really hards, Just like a rock, They’re in my sock!...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Epic

Premium Member What's Cookin' in the Old Crone's Cauldron?
the old crone’s dome boiled skull scalding, full of trouble and toil oily face, razorburn neck my eyes the type to scan salamander like darting here to there wondering where to next where to next? I tire of the comfort in mom’s...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, addiction, dark, drug, growing
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Beseech a Leech Impeach
Beseech to Impeach they have been a leech what we will do is beseech them we should impeach...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Leech
You are a total leech sucking what is good for you; Plagued with pitiful speech always mumbled and garbled; Never had a far enough reach, you embarrass yourself; Thieves always hide what’s true, little did you see I am made...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, anger, emotions, feelings,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Pet Leech
I have a little leech; I bring him out to play. I really only see him Every 57th day. He’s happiest when I let him Just lie there on my arm, But I can’t let him stay too long, ‘Cuz we’ll...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Penitent's Paean
In sundry ways deaf to your zeal Which foxy whims fruitless sway, My wandering self did finally feel Pearliest sparks of your legit ray. Inured by bestial blinding decoys Which easiest-faring limb obeys, I did heed a deluding artful...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, absence, allegory, allusion, blessing,
Form: Other
The Leech
the tea glass was within his reach his call for help made the people screech put the tea glass in my hand at pool side he was ban for being a plain old, lazy leech...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, funny,
Form: Limerick
Sin and Sinner
sin adheres firmly like a blood sucking vile leech - doer never spared....Read the rest...
Categories: leech, sin,
Form: Senryu
Greedy Pen Leech
from the sympathetic heart departed they are or sold for felicity, ephemeral felicity and become enthralled greedy It’s majesty of presentation, pen soldier they are in society, rich or mighty not are they they had lofty conscience movement in supreme...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, grief, life, writing,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Leech Came After Me In My Sleep
A leech came after me in my sleep. So I dreamed up a tapeworm. Silly mistake. Now I am being eaten. Slowly and mightily. From the inside out, And the outside in. The roundworms and flatworks are knocking. I dare not...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Narrative
The Boy and His Leech
A boy sat down right on the beach feet dipping in the lake. The sun was shining up above, a great day it would make. The cheerful boy was wading ‘round, as happy as can be. Until he felt...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, boy,
Form: Verse
Lying hidden like a mine, he waits for an innocent walker on a serene path. He’s like a terrorist, brave, but brainless. He sharpens his weapon for a bloody harvest. It seems the whole blood in the universe won’t quench his thirst. He forgets himself in sucking...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, violence,
Form: Free verse
The Serial Leech
THE SERIAL LEECH by JOHN M. ARRIBAS He Was Here Today Promised Pie in the Sky But We’ll Soon Discover its Just Another Lie They’ll Say Anything That to Them Is a plus But Once They Are in They ...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, betrayal, corruption, integrity, leadership,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tick and Leech
Tick and Leech Note: This little story (perhaps there are more to follow) has its origins in two spelling mistakes. The first one is 'Leech' for my dear friend Mel's surname. The second one is 'Tick',...Read the rest...
Categories: leech, allegory, fantasy, fun, parody,
Form: Prose

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