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Jasmin Poems - Poems about Jasmin

Jasmin Poems - Examples of all types of poems about jasmin to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for jasmin.
... Oh awesome, sweet garden, how happy you make me, When I have breakfast on our patio and absorb you with glee, Mid-morning comes in a flash with a fleeting cup of coffee, Then lunch, have a qu......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, garden,
Form: Free verse

Smiling Conjunction
...Your frivolous smiles greet the night jasmin Moonlit sky plays the heart flute The darkness writes bright verse © Mahtab Bangalee 18 October, 2023 Chattogram......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, feelings, love,
Form: Kimo
Grape Wine
...May you flourish under a tree that grasps you tight May all your dreams flow out aright, The Jasmin flowers dazing away Dancing to the fragrance all the way. God humbly giving you everything ......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, 7th grade, desire, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
...Gleaming stars in a Chinese percaline teacup around its rim golden dragons loop the loop. If the vessel had been larger a trillion lights could have shone from that Jasmin infusion. A young ......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Butterflies In My Garden
...There are butterflies in my garden; can you believe it? Two or three of its kind; big and small. All very cute and very colorful Delightful to watch; a sight to behold When morni......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, beautiful, butterfly, color, cool,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Amusing Walk
...Hills and valleys and curvy roads Peeking houses behind tall oaks Morning sun’s tender rays Whistling gust’s soft touches Musical dialogues of chirpy birds Air-dances and rapid flutters ......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, nature, spring,
Form: Rhyme
Birthday Denotation
...J-ovial A-uthor S-cribes M-use I-mplementing N-ote A-bout B-irthday D-enotation O-f N-ame Topic: Birthday of Jasmin G. Abdon (October 24) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Don'T Gets Hurt
...Sharing my love for someone abroad What is ant of a lust I have many many miles i was walked i couldn't found any thing but I didn't stop i tired but not i trust but not i filled with emotions an......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, absence, black love,
Form: Romanticism
Please Please Bring Me Flowers
...Please, Please, Just bring me flowers, Flowers that smell of Jasmin of Passion, of Roses, Whose Scents, Feel our hearts with faster beats, With waves of love, Or Please make me, A Pillo......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, deep, desire, earth, environment,
Form: Political Verse
Simple Muse
...J-ust A-ccept S-imple M-use I-n N-ice G-reetings A-s C-omposer A-dvances D-elight Topic: Birthday of Jasmin Gacad (July 28) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Gazing At Natural Dawn
...J-ust A-lways S-ee M-orn I-n N-ewness G-azing A-t N-atural D-awn I-n A-ppearance Topic: Birthday of Jasmin Gandia (December 08) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Please Just Bring Me Flowers
...Please just bring me Flowers Please just bring me flowers, With bright petals That smell of Jasmin and passion, or Roses Whose Scent, Feels our hearts with faster beats, And with waves of lo......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, anxiety, beauty, flower, love,
Form: Political Verse
The Maiden Or An Oriental Poem
...She would keep her tears in a crystal and silver perfumer, along with jasmin and rose water. Whenever she assisted weddings, she was perfumed with a few drops. Drops of grief disguised as jo......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, dream, marriage, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse
The Scent of Jasmin
...“The Scent of Jasmin” As I wait for my love, like so many times before, beside the willow tree near the brook, its water glitters like diamonds in the midday sun. The wind was blowing ever so soft......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, angel, autumn, beauty, death,
Form: Ballad
Just Abate Sad Moment
...J-ust A-bate S-ad M-oment I-f N-ew J-oyful O-pportunity Y-ields C-omplete E-cstasy S-o O-ne R-apture I-ntensifies A-s N-iceness O-pens Topic: Birthday of Jasmin Joyce J. Soria......Read the rest...
Categories: jasmin, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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