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Self Image Poems

These Self Image poems are examples of Image poems about Self. These are the best examples of Image Self poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Behind The Masks
There are those who appear so self-assured
Got a handle on life’s call
Put together and in control
Never to stumble or fall

Self confident and capable
Accomplished and so...

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© Deb M   Create an image from this poem.
Categories: confidence, emotions, identity, image,

Ode to the Watchers of the Soul

In the visage of gentle pallor, they sit enthroned,
Guardians of depth, in blue-grey tones adorned.
A tapestry of life, in twin orbs, is shown,
Mirrors to the...

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Categories: image, appreciation, beauty, blue, inspirational,

Premium Member Nightbound


If only a singular, delightful wish had I,
It would be to see a moonlit, star-studded sky.
When this frenzied world is asleep and still.

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Categories: deep, emotions, feelings, image,

Premium Member Where Are We Going
When we are young we may ask,
where are we going?
Life is a long winding road,
filled with adventure.
Will we stay in our hometown or, 
will we travel...

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Categories: image, art, beauty, life, write,

Premium Member If Only You Knew
If only you knew the struggles I have had,
many were very sad.
My kind and loving dad,
knew I was never bad.
I should have kept a notepad,

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Categories: image, dad, daughter, love, people,

Premium Member mind's eye
not grounding mentality
in bounds of reality
vows turn unverifiable
truth becoming pliable
judgments unreliable
when the working of our brain 
leads toward being less sane

few usually agree
about structure of...

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© Ng Rippel  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: image, judgement, life, mental health,

Premium Member To which image should we cling

Line of inquiry:
“We have been here a thousand times before
Memory erased, each time we begin anew
Of hands held tenderly, we’ve lost the score
Each embrace virgin...

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Categories: image, analogy, spiritual,

Premium Member To which Image should we cling
mirror tells lies when it looks back at you,
image shown is which you already knew,
does not show your thoughts, wisdom, or feelings,
image not truth, however...

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Categories: image, birth, blessing, death, devotion,

Premium Member To Which Image should We Cling
In a maze of shadows and light, To which image should we cling? Is it the mirage of perfection we chase, Or the raw beauty...

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Categories: image, allusion, identity, self,

Flesh Wounds
The mirror reflects a lifetime etched upon my skin; a canvas of stories whispered through maturity. I stand before it, middle-aged and exposed, my nakedness...

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Categories: image, appreciation, beauty, body, growth,

Premium Member In Her Eyes
In Her Eyes 

She looks just like you they say and I beam!
But they're saying much more than their saying seems…
For I'd never say to...

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Categories: image, confidence, daughter, emotions,

Premium Member Blame
Quote: A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. By John Burroughs

Life has many ups...

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Categories: image, child, hurt, life, people,

I Am More Than The Names You Call Me
Do not call me a freak
Loser nerd or even geek
You may think it's funny but
It's like you punched me in the gut
Words painful and very...

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Categories: bullying, feelings, identity, image,

A Walk down the Tunnel
“Darkness does embalm;
All things, getting calm,
Produce an eerie feeling;
Can it serve with a healing?”

“Aye, aye, sure, sure!
Such feelings do us lure,
To approach its end.”
“Can we...

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Categories: image, allegory, atheist, conflict, endurance,

View From the Looking Glass
You say you're old, but I don't see it
Your wrinkles are just lines of wisdom
Your hair is not gray, but silver
Your eyes are not dull,...

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Categories: image, deep, encouraging, how i

Book: Reflection on the Important Things