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Housemaid Poems - Poems about Housemaid

Housemaid Poems - Examples of all types of poems about housemaid to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for housemaid.

Premium Member The Blackness and the Hard Labor of the Housemaid
...The Blackness And The Hard Labor Of The Housemaid Store up the spasms of the low rims of busy suns trudging work tills the upheaval of ragged soil and what of shadow hours, sweat and hard toil ......Read the rest...
Categories: housemaid, art, creation, deep, girlfriend,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Mary From Tipperary
...Mary was from Tipperary She was an Irish Coleen She dreamt of wealth and riches While keeping the house clean She was a housemaid, She worked for an old man She despised her job And life was......Read the rest...
Categories: housemaid, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Oh Limp Pix
...A photographer of Indoor Sports Found himself dragged through the lower courts The hotel said He filmed their bed When a buxom housemaid dropped her shorts......Read the rest...
Categories: housemaid, sports,
Form: Limerick
The Maid
...Did the maid ever tell you To wipe off your younger sibling's poop from the tiled floor? Did she- that worthless human- ever tell you To wash the giant saucepan in which last night's millet wa......Read the rest...
Categories: housemaid, abuse, age, anti bullying,
Form: Free verse
...The tantalizing housemaid comes in swinging her waist, to serve me breakfast. But it is not the meal she wants me to eat! It is not the service she renders! The frog in me frog-jumped and my h......Read the rest...
Categories: housemaid, life, metaphor,
Form: Free verse

Island of Fantasy
...I know an island - know it well Seen it in my mind's eye It's a paradise sure as hell An' I don't ask it why It's a calm place where sand don't blow - Water holes don't run dry Cattle go wher......Read the rest...
Categories: housemaid,
Form: Quatrain
Torrid Love Story
...I'm writing a torrid love story, Full of scandle and intrigue and sex, About film stars and beautiful people, And who goes to bed with who next. Their clothes are by famous designers, They wea......Read the rest...
Categories: housemaid, humorous,
Form: Free verse
...“come fluttering words, come drifting words to me…” A Rambling Poet A mere housemaid awakens before morning light. Eyes wide, she bolts upright to the bed’s edge, as if late f......Read the rest...
Categories: housemaid, imagination, nostalgia, workday, hair,
Form: Narrative

Book: Shattered Sighs