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Horn Poems - Poems about Horn

Horn Poems - Examples of all types of poems about horn to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for horn.
Horn Sin Haiku
Horn Sin Haiku what things will have been to sin again and again through both thick and thin James Thomas Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Bend the horn to find the note
Bend the horn to find the note/ In the depths of the universe, you find harmony and rhythm, spinning planets in jazz sync, a cosmic dance with Sun Ra/ maybe he can set us free/ ...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, spoken word,
Form: Spoken Word

Damn Train Horn
Steel giants approach, Horns shatter me, surprise floods My serenity....Read the rest...
Categories: horn, imagery,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Horn Humorous Trump Haiku
Horn Trump Humorous Haiku when Trump had to pick out from official would kick always made us sick should see his small pause made a lot of Hims and haws broke all of the laws Trump a nincompoop awkward with a hula hoop with...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Horrible Things about Horn Thoughts
Men, especially male men are macho, weirdos always less concerned and thoughtful then women are. Take a look. happens and rolls downhill. So what! Who cares! Could care less! What the hell. Not my fault. Had nothing to do with...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, allegory, analogy,
Form: I do not know?

Premium Member Death Blows a Fiery Horn
In a chariot of fire in the sun blew a pale horse and pale rider’s last breath, and on your grave sing the owl and raven in the shadows of the valley of death. Where...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, bereavement, death,
Form: Sonnet
Horn Harmony
Written By: D. Collins 6/14/24 There's nothing better than a trumpet, trombone, and sax. Screaming out tight words on full blast. Synched and tuned to make our hair stand up. Cracking all glass products around the club. Then, a...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, music,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Handled Mare with Care Horn Haiku
what we will look for what waits for us at the door will be more and more weather may be bleak when to God would speak Him will always seek what God would suggest you will score high on my test always do...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Cowpoke by Michael R. Burch, circa age 16 Sleep, old man... your day has long since passed. The endless plains, cool midnight rains and changeless ragged cows alone remain of what once was. You cannot know just how the Change will rape the windswept plains that you...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, evil, heart, home, poems,
Form: Rhyme
Election Horn Haiku
Latest Horn Haiku for 9 Mar 2024 Poetry Reading Election Horn Haiku after inspection who should be the selection for each election when names would be viewed did desire to include those who fought in feud tossed coin into air sides combined constitute pair both were...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Trump Collide with Comet Horn Haiku
Trump collide with comet blew up voters when bomb it caused us to vomit we will hear Trump say with our minds he likes to play ignorance display were once over hump what we should do is dump Trump now is in a...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Writer from Within
The less I move my lips at my 4:00 am Saturday morning sessions The more These words are trees standing still beside a racing river A long way away Freight train bores the night Moon without light Its alto horn Projects from nowhere...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, journey, silence, solitude, sound,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Through whispers that furrow the silence, the cursing horn sounds
Through whispers that furrow the silence, the cursing horn sounds, Over plains of shadow the dusk of night descends all around. Hyperion of night glows with embers beneath lids of silver light, In silence watches over sparse poplars,...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
When Jill Seems So Dear Horn Haiku
when Jill seems so dear will always wish she was here always close and near when such a sweet doll while she would walk down the hall took her to the ball when such a sweet thing all her love to me...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Baboon Singing a Toon Horn Haiku
when singing out of toon sang like a newborn baboon banging with a big spoon body had been bionic when out of tune used a tonic idiocy was ironic while a profound pimple we would pop simple pimple on breast became a...Read the rest...
Categories: horn, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

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