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Hogg Poems - Poems about Hogg

Hogg Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hogg to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hogg.

Premium Member Clerihew Hogg
James Hogg king of the 'fairy school's a nature poet oh so cool Often used Scots vernacular so best heard in particular...Read the rest...
Categories: hogg, people, poetry,
Form: Clerihew
Premium Member Boss Hogg
Boss Hogg was the greatest fraud to be found The most corrupt politician around He finagled and he lied So...Read the rest...
Categories: hogg, humorous, political,
Form: Limerick

Phil Hogg
Phil embraced his disability when he acquired it, And took up the disability sport of para-triathlon, Where you swim, cycle and race a set distance: He broke his back in 1991 in a cycling incident. His...Read the rest...
Categories: hogg, race, sports, strength, water,
Form: Blank verse
I'M Boss Hogg
I'm Boss Hogg and Rosco keeps trying to eat my food. It's been my dream to see Daisy Duke in the nude. The Duke boys keep fighting me because I'm a crook. If you do business with me,...Read the rest...
Categories: hogg, funny,
Form: Rhyme
I'M Boss Hogg
I'm Boss Hogg and Rosco keeps trying to eat my food. It's been my dream to see Daisy Duke in the nude. The Duke boys keep fighting me because I'm a crook. If you do business with me,...Read the rest...
Categories: hogg, funny,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs