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Histories Poems - Poems about Histories

Histories Poems - Examples of all types of poems about histories to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for histories.
Premium Member To the Forgotten
...To The Forgotten Military history is written by the victors. Generals and politicians who stamp their names on the pages of books written by men and women in ivory towers. It is actually mad......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, war,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Veracity
... Melodies, breathless as foggiest daybreak healing all my heart’s restlessness releasing the song, pure as the gentlest stream washing away the distance between happiness and pain, corre......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, appreciation, encouraging, faith, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Dirt Road
...We built this house On a dirt road at the edge of the forest And between two coyotes dens So it’s hard to know if the howling at night Is sibling rivalry or civil war Serenade or sacrifice Th......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, nature,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Voltaire Translations 2 by Michael R Burch
...These are translations of Voltaire, one of the world's most prolific, best and most influential writers. Voltaire, born François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), was an amazingly prolific writer who produce......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, french, love, poems, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Transforming Histories
...Touch, translucent, delicate and sparse, Awareness fleeting and fragile; Treasure of treasures, Lo and mark, Seeker born quick and agile. Peripheral only, inward glancing, Laughing at clumsy ges......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, body, cancer, death, deep,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member December Nights
... Daylight fades away early Even though our day is not done. Clumps of snow shimmer in pearly, Enchanting drifts, reflecting the disappearing sun. My love stoke......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, december, dream, environment, memory,
Form: Acrostic
Three Sides To Every Story
... Where is the truth within all of the fabricated falsities Everyone has their own versions of life and its histories You see, which version to believe, one, two, or three Tragedy, drama......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, crazy, judgement,
Form: Free verse
... With the results of this election…the majority of people think I shouldn’t be sad after all, they say, we only disagree politically! This was democracy in action, they add, we voted for the chang......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Honey On Asphalt
... In the crevices of a tired town, roaches scuttle under moonlit sighs, their dinky bodies torn by shadows that shroud the crumbling edges of life. A cat lounges, indifferent, i......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, allusion, america, analogy,
Form: Free verse
For One Night, Only
... Let’s not even swap names, just live in the now, with no strings, no stakes. Hold me close, but loose enough to let go. Come sunrise, I will be just a whisper in your memory. Let’s hit the li......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, break up, emotions, heart,
Form: Free verse
My Thing Is This
...As hapless vapors of decay, surround us, suffocating the fecund earth. A blanket of suffocating grey, born from the diseased aspirations of humanity. We, the self-appointed masters of a planet in sha......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, corruption, education, environment, extended
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Thoughts of a living dead
...Thoughts of a living dead People think that we are dead, we are ended and our souls passed away from the earth. That doesn’t cover the truth. Reality is finer Better and noble, much more prac......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, life, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Eternal impermanence
...Eternal impermanence Walking in the past lives’ gardens is a kind gift from life Yes, this is a blessing from the life of fate. Benediction It’s just only I know what I mean about death, past, l......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, fate, life, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
...Here we are - both you and I... Yet to ask each other why. Why, that is, our combination May result in conversation. The two of us - complete strangers... Potentially abled exchangers. Upon mor......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, inspirational, meaningful, strength,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In the twilight of thoughts, where shadows whisper the secrets of ideologies
...In the twilight of thoughts, where shadows whisper the secrets of ideologies, I stand, a prism refracting the multitude of hues of the "isms," Each beam a story of belief, a spectrum of convictions......Read the rest...
Categories: histories, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

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