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Hegel Poems - Poems about Hegel

Hegel Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hegel to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hegel.

Premium Member Between Reality and Understanding
...A thought arose... In Hegel's great dialectic cotillion, Time transcends as the Absolute emerges, From deep submersion. Veritably idealistic path to verity. It is all about History! While S......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, introspection, philosophy, psychological, word
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Democracy Takes a Beating
... Attending an ‘SDS’ meeting Watched ‘Democracy’ take a beating Listened to strident, long-haired voices denounce the USA shilling for Marx, Hegel, and Lenin all the way ......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, america, conflict, education, freedom,
Form: Couplet

Living a Vibrant Life
...I was like a fallen autumn leaf, Withering beneath the banyan tree's boughs, I know you might have forgotten. The first day of Allahabad, Now known as Prayagraj, It marked my f......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, beautiful, confidence, feelings, motivation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

The Debate
...The debate Jordan Petersen the famous Canadian Professor debates Slavoj Zizek, the equally famous philosopher, is facing off. The Canadian is dressed in a blue three-piece suit that is too tig......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, anti bullying, best friend,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member On the Importance of Passion
...Passion drives the vehicle of success, And all that is great in the world depends [Said Georg Friedrich Hegel and me, I guess] On which direction the supple mind bends. One thing poets count on ......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, devotion, passion, poets,
Form: Verse

Ode To the Failure of Modern Philosophy To Defeat Skepticism
...Poor ol’ Pyrrho, he’s the hero Of my somber poetry: Couldn’t figure how to pick your Core beliefs with certainty. Bold Descartes, he got the party Started with his Cogito. Up popped Pyrrho (w......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, funny, humor, humorous, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
A Tortoise
...A Tortoise By Stina Lu You keep silent, In all seasons. Like the Buddist, Meditating Even your breath seems redundant. You reject everything Food or water. Your are blind Smel......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, addiction,
Form: Free verse
Folded Mirror
...The world is all that is the case Neither liquid nor solid Children in the highlands of camellia Remember that laughed Mountain of forgetting Fat of reminiscence Cage of flesh The meaning of t......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, baptism, beauty,
Form: Blank verse
Seagulls Over Antrim
...( In Memoriam Liam Clarke) The strandcafe was lined with Hitchcock seagulls as you looked over your glasses with concern and said......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, death of a friend,
Form: Elegy
Why Does Minerva's Owl Soar In the Nocturnal Sky
...Rather than the light of the day why does the owl soar in the darkened night sky? Does the owl soar in the darkened night sky avoiding dazzling daylight because it’s painful to watch the terr......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, analogy, men, night, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
...Pharaoh Tutankhamun graced the Egyptian throne, A *****, brisk and spry. From his majestical hands, dangled a scepter And on his handsome head, sat a crown. His empire was at its peak For he w......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, education, history, identity,
Form: Narrative
Wise Old Owl
..."The Owl of Minerva takes flight before night is about to fall" - Hegel No charlatan - this Hegel character His words bespoke clarity and change Seeing the world through a fine per......Read the rest...
Categories: hegel, introspection
Form: Lyric

Book: Reflection on the Important Things