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Heavies Poems - Poems about Heavies

Heavies Poems - Examples of all types of poems about heavies to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for heavies.

It heavies my heart
...To know you've gotten more serious, just wear the dark ones, and having you're hair tied up too firm. To see you flinching when I touch you accidently, and you try to distance yourself but also......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, august,
Form: Free verse
...Dreaming of you Takes my breath away I can almost feel your arms around me Feel the passion in your every touch, setting my skin alight, pumping fire through my veins First gentle and slow Th......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, love, muse,
Form: Free verse

The Chameleons
...THE CHAMELEONS by JOHN M. ARRIBAS Give credit to the chameleons, they blend right in A simple maneuver, changes the color of their skin No matter the surroundings, one thing is clear You m......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, abuse, analogy, anger, angst,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The British Soldier At Balaclava
...By Robert J (Bob) Moore © 2016 I am a British soldier, been a soldier all my life and back home in England, I left 2 kids and a wife now I’m outside Sebastapol, with Cardigans Brigade waiting t......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, adventure, conflict, death, england,
Form: Rhyme
A Night Letter
...I knew you'd take pleasure in knowing That I heavily drew myself from the bed, Feeling for parchment and the familiar cylinder of my pen. Giving up the rest in favor of curling, inky words, to un......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, abuse, break up, dark,
Form: I do not know?

Reflection of Tears
...I can hear a faint sobbing It's despair screaming in my soul. Crying out for help and I can't reach them Who can it be...? The sound is so familiar. Dread heavies my heart Searching for an a......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, beautiful, confusion, deep, depression,
Form: Free verse
The Color of the Wind Which Is Wedded To Winter's Muse and Music
...THE COLOR OF THE WIND WHICH IS WEDDED TO WINTER’S MUSE AND MUSIC What, color is music? Is it the color of your lover’s eyes as you wade at w......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, angstmusic, me, music, giggle,
Form: Monorhyme
This Is Dedicated To the Woman Ilove Who Just Got a Carry Permit For a 45 Caliber Pistol
...THE COLOR OF THE WIND WHICH IS WEDDED TO WINTER’S MUSE AND MUSIC What, color is music? Is it the color of your lover’s eyes as you wade at w......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, artmusic, me, music, giggle,
Form: Narrative
The Color of the Wind Which Is Wedded To Winter's Muse and Music
...THE COLOR OF THE WIND WHICH IS WEDDED TO WINTER’S MUSE AND MUSIC What, color is music? Is it the color of your lover’s eyes as you wade at w......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, fantasymusic, me, music, giggle,
Form: Free verse
...Take this gift More perfect than a full moon. It is softer than silk, The tresses of unblemished ksin. Its fragrence heavies the night air, Making those around it dizzy As they breath deeply to......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies,
Form: I do not know?
...What deepest sorrows, heavies a man soul? So heavy be his body that his last strength; mind, soft, wet and young, covered by aged flesh, physical pain could not penetrate, unless permitted. ......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, art, peopleme,
Form: Ekphrasis
My Growing Son
...Every night, my son prefers to watch late night movies. But early in the morning, he does n’t like to go to school, He complains he has a headache and his body feels heavies, When I suggested hi......Read the rest...
Categories: heavies, caregiving, devotion, education, father,
Form: Villanelle

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry