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Harmonically Poems - Poems about Harmonically

Harmonically Poems - Examples of all types of poems about harmonically to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for harmonically.
Musical IQ
...Sometimes they reason sometimes they don’t The meaning implicit or lost in the notes Sonically free of all cogency found Truth in the melody harmonically — sound (Dreamsle......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, music, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Quantum Challenged VI
..."Referencing an old poetic imagism sort of poem I wrote some four years ago--almost to the day---wherein lies a paradox," ... by The Poet. MIRROR, MIRROR I was in a room, there, I sa......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, analogy,
Form: Imagism

Premium Member There is only one inborn error
...There is only one inborn error, And that is the idea that we exist to be happy... As long as we persist in this primordial mistake, And even become confirmed in it through optimistic dogmas, The ......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, fantasy,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member -B R A S S I S T A-
...vibrating embouchure harmonically inter- facing metal with flesh in resplendent fanfares ......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, music,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member The Creative Hour
...thee hour of the mind the hour the soul masters the hearts need for growth bestowed between the cunny desires where the muses dance the sun shadows the moon creating a warm sensual glow se......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, allah,
Form: Vaasokht

...Charlie and Louis John and Miles Bebop to Modal Two different styles Soul passions blowing Harmonically through horns Notes and chords flowing One world and two forms Two different times ......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, adventure, appreciation, beautiful, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Analogy's Integrity
...My roots of humane dignity seem truest found in organic life integrity. So too, roots of social liberty for all listening empathetically seem most harmonically embedded in Earth's co-gravita......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, analogy, health, integrity, passion,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Earthtribe Celebrations
...War is not my wintry answer when summer's serene peace remains a cherished question. Late autumn's year end Advent sadly anticipates late winter's grey unrelenting Lent As Christmas trauma......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, anxiety, celebration, earth, health,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Muse Practice
...Music practice, when I was a wounded child, felt too redundantly mundane, yet never merely quite ordinary, especially within a band or chorus learning environment For restoring spiritual men......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, caregiving, health, integrity, muse,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Casting Earth's Redemption
...I need you to sing the straight white male lead in Phantom of Our Opera as a Catch-22 steed. I don't sing with wit and I won't dance without it. If that's a no, but hard for you to show, ......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, fear, health, heartbreak, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Please Sing To Me
...If I can say it, but not sing it, or even hum a resonant melody that feels like it, then perhaps my greater gift is silence, at least for now, until toxic seeds ripen into our healthiest res......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, anger, fear, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Sacred Carnal Custody
...Jesus was a patristic carpenter, a non-nationalistic builder of goodnews communal structure, a nonviolent communicating leader, a multispirit-natural facilitator, divinely humane bilateral spir......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, analogy, environment, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Choosing Health
...It's not my choices I regret, But, sometimes what I didn't choose to do or join or say or at least not forget About not hatching up or mashing down some healthier choices in a wealthie......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, change, health, integrity, life,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Deep and Wide Listening
...Where do I listen for meaning harmonically compassionate till will-power to avoid death do us part? For positive healthy and safe feelings Left strongly nurtured control needs Yang v Yin bip......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, caregiving, happiness, health, integrity,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member A Zen Meditation
...A lush mountain of scintillating pines, breathe in elevating bouquet, breathe out the tension. Sentinels wave in lilting breeze, breathe in radiant light, breathe out ossifying stre......Read the rest...
Categories: harmonically, faith, inspirational, peace, philosophy,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry