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Hared Poems - Poems about Hared

Hared Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hared to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hared.
Premium Member Mother
... It is almost a year since My lovely mother passed away I miss her more than anyone will ever know So many precious memories Shared which will remain in ......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, i miss you, mother
Form: Acrostic
Christmas Star Shines Brightly
... Christ Having Realised Incarnation Shared Total Mortality And Sovereignty Season Triggers Abunda......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, christmas, jesus, love, world,
Form: Acrostic

You Are What I Need
...When you are in love, every single moment becomes a treasure to be wrapped and saved in heart forever. We move on, life changes……. but these memories bejewel our lives. They bring back the smile, the......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, crazy, crush, cute love,
Form: Narrative
Love Never Ends
...Loyalty Overshadows Vain Endeavors Newlyweds Evermore Veneration Eternally Renewed Emptiness Nevermore......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, love, marriage,
Form: Acrostic
Exceptional Line
...E-xceptional L-ine I-s S-hared A-s D-elightful E-xcellent M-essage I-s L-ived L-iterally O-ftentimes Topic: Birthday of Elisa Q. Demillo (March 11) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Remarkable Affection
...C-lassic A-crostic R-hyme I-s S-uperbly S-hared A-s V-erse E-xpresses N-otable T-hought U-sing R-emarkable A-ffection Topic: Birthday of Carissa P. Ventura (March 02) Form: Vertic......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Lyric Is Shared
...L-yric I-s S-hared E-agerly L-etting M-essage U-se E-xcellent L-ines L-ike E-xceptional R-hyme Topic: Birthday of poetess Lisel Mueller (February 08) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, birthday, poetess,
Form: Acrostic
Apparent Morn
...C-lear R-adiance I-s S-hared T-o I-llumine N-ew A-pparent M-orn A-s N-ext D-awn A-nd N-iceness E-merge Topic: Birthday of Cristina M. Mandane (August 08) Form: Vertical Monocros......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
New Dawn S Shining Light
...N-ew dawn's shining light H-as taken the dusk away; E-arly beacon brings joy, N-ovember fifth sunny day. H-ow warm is the new dawn, denying the old twilight; E-very morning it breaks to make ......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Flies Reign the City
...The country is so filthy with garbage all over the dearest homes People are sick with unpleasant smell and poor sanitations, poor managements. In such country that claiming to have functional governm......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, poverty, prejudice, raven,
Form: ABC
Just Want To Say a Wish
...J-ust want to say a wish, E-xpress my warm regard; S-imple words and lines S-hared through greeting card. I-'m wanting to say a wish that brings a million mirth; E-cstasy and pleasure play a ......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Birthday Gift
...M-y birthday gift for you E-xpresses excitement; L-oneliness has turned I-nto one merry moment. S-ee my birthday gift S-hared with total thrill; A-mount of mirth is big, bringing down the chi......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Noneastern Family Politics
...I began reading Jane Anna Gordon's "Creolizing Political Theory" from the back toward the front, as usual, because if I appreciate where this narrative journey will end, then I probably will find......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, culture, health, power, ,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Home Sweet Home - Acrostic
...Home Sweet Home Home is where your heart resides Obliging to everyone’s needs Memories that are made and Embarrassed with spiritual growth Shared wi......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, family, home,
Form: Acrostic
...some how im the one to blame i guess i hurt myself for fame i said what you wanted to hear but only said out of fear but how can you sit there and juge me and tell me what i could be try t......Read the rest...
Categories: hared, loveme, life, me,
Form: I do not know?

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