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Hardship Poems - Poems about Hardship

Hardship Poems - Examples of all types of poems about hardship to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for hardship.
Hardship Tell
Each trial has purpose Every hardship has mercy Makes us grow each day....Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, courage, growth, life,
Form: Senryu
Say No To Tobacco
Have you ever wondered that/ Tobacco can affect your mental health/ Think about your life/ Before you lit that first cigarette or cigar/ Did you ever get in trouble/ Did you have any drama/ Did you fight with your lover or...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, addiction, care, cheer up,
Form: Free verse

Voice To Skull
When you get a FISA Warrant/ For electronic surveillance/ From psychic spies with/ Mind Control with psionic/ And radionic technology/ They first attack you with/ Voice to skull technology/ Which is voices in your head/ Their first objective is to make you/ Appear as...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, abuse, america, anger, anti
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Caged Animal
We started off with being/ A human stuck in a tiny box/ Like a caged animal/ Day by day, we lose our senses/ To be poked and prodded/ Day and night for amusement/ This is a game to them/ Looking into the...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, animal, anxiety, character, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Is today a new year?
Is today a new year in any way? Thirty first and first look too much the same. The snows that the sky and cold winds still spray, Are still making me feel cold without blame. Hardship bought me no...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, analogy, care, imagery, new
Form: Ottava rima

Gothenburg Penitentiary
Gothenburg Penitentiary, the hardest of the hardest/ The concrete jungle, where everyone is heartless/ Gothenburg Penitentiary, the show now mercy/ So, you gotta learn to swim in murky waters/ Gothenburg Penitentiary, my heart just sunk/ The next fifteen years of...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, anxiety, corruption, dark, depression,
Form: Free verse
HIND sight 20 20
In shadows deep, where silence lay, A moment came and stole the day. A choice I made, with a very heavy heart, Unraveled dreams oh it tore me apart. I watched...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, dark, mental health, pain,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Ladder
Yes It's rungs May be covered in rust But commit to the climb To learn how to trust Yes You'll fall Again and again Caught by the arms Of a very old friend Yes You'll be put Back at the start A journey to the place Where you're never...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, happiness, innocence, light, motivation,
Form: Rhyme
For Those About To Die
they line the streets like forgotten bones, clothes clinging thin, skin and bones, as hollow as an unanswered prayer— they die on corners, in alleys, out there with eyes full of shadows no one dares see. the city walks by...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Measure of a Man: a meditation
Close your eyes. Know that you are strong. You are here on earth to be tested and how you react to your challenges is the true measure of a man. You don't let obstacles crush you. You deal with them as...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, courage, encouraging, endurance, storm,
Form: Free verse
Proceed my child, proceed
Proceed, my child proceed With a smile on your face With positivity and grace With compassion in your heart Proceed, my child proceed With strength in your mind leaving weakness behind With stars in your eyes Proceed, my child proceed With progress as your...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, inspirational,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Still Jumping
I’d rather walk into a quiet house Lone sweet kitty greeting me at the door No hell raging from my fiery spouse Lips spewing lunacy and hate no more Still jumping when the phone rings late at...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, abuse, age, blessing, cat,
Form: Sonnet
Hardship and Hope
Dare I dream of hope in a world that's self consuming, and dare I dream of a home where hearts are always blooming. Peaceful the mind would be in a land I am assuming, but...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, anger, change, courage, dream,
Form: Rhyme
I was the scattered embers of what was, a mirage of something that couldn't be. And it bore a hole inside me, for twas - it not for the grace of strangers to me, and that of the Lord,...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, endurance, friend, god, growth,
Form: Sonnet
Why must there always be a sacrifice souring the taste of something nice Just a moment on the lips but a lifetime on the back shelf of the mind Taking up space you can’t afford You can...Read the rest...
Categories: hardship, conflict, confusion, deep, growing
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry