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Halyard Poems - Poems about Halyard

Halyard Poems - Examples of all types of poems about halyard to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for halyard.

Premium Member Voyage of the Soul
...In the timeless tumult of time’s tempestuous tide, I find myself adrift, with neither rudder, nor guide. Each crest and trough, a murmured decree of fate, In this ceaseless sea, I strive to naviga......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, anxiety, courage, dark, depression,
Form: Rhyme
Captain and Cook
...Three times the Master spoke and three times the capstan broke. Decks awash with briny spume, the storm raged in the gathering gloom. 'Pull in that spar or else we're doomed!' Above the roar the......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, adventure, fantasy, sea,
Form: Rhyme

Leaving Harbor
...The hustle and the bustle of the port is all around The shouting of the merchants quoting prices by the pound The throwing of supplies over gunwales is all but done The time has come for us to le......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sea Fare
...Edge of wharf diner courting saline tastebuds, Halyard rope bell hop with a catch, Grandee gourmet glutton wolfs marinated cod......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, journey, joy, life, light,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member An Emerald, Most Rare
...It was glorious ... A glorious, glowing morn ... crimson crept up the sky, as if air-brushed ... little round globs of fair-weather clouds tiptoed on the reach, (so as to not wake the moon,......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, beauty, color, memory, ocean,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Life On the Dock
...Like silent sentries in a row the pylon docks await my arrival. It is low tide as I step onto the gangway. Crusty barnacles cling tenaciously to the pylons as salt sea water laps the rock......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, adventure, boat, inspiration,
Form: Free verse
A Ship In a Bottle
...A Ship In A Bottle My great Grand Father sailed to New Zealand on a ship called the Wild Deer in 1872. I have always loved ships in bottles, and one day decided I would drain a pretty bottle of ......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, appreciation, art, boat, kids,
Form: Ballade
Premium Member Droplets
...Water falling, trickling downward wet mossy stones shine and glimmer droplets dancing tumbling onward Soft tinkles as they head coastward the sounds echo like a crooner water falling, trickling down......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, nature, water,
Form: Villanelle
...To those who have done prep Prep up for break, hanging in morning dew Made fast with sailing twine, awaiting dawn Brass belaying pin holding halyard to I glimpse across harbor, Third Fleet’s mo......Read the rest...
Categories: halyard, life, work,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Reflection on the Important Things