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College Graduation Poems

These College Graduation poems are examples of Graduation poems about College. These are the best examples of Graduation College poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Butter Yellow
I can almost smell the fresh paint. That isn't possible however. That scent was almost 19 years ago… Butter Yellow was the name on the...

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Categories: graduation, baby, caregiving, daughter, family,

College Graduation
Watched the graduation 
Of my nephew via Zoom,
Along with many others 
From afar, I would assume.

Heard the speeches, saw the march
Of students, one by one

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Categories: graduation,

Premium Member Commencement Celebrations
Nostalgic about moving-on moments
my mind lingers at throwback scenes
milestones surpassing oblivion challenge.

1974... Kindergarten toga and cap propelled my steps
toward big brother’s elementary campus
midst anticipation of...

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Categories: graduation, appreciation, blessing, encouraging, god,

Premium Member Graduation Day
I barely can recall the day of my college graduation.
Even though my husband was my only comrade in attendance,
I felt proud to be with cum...

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Categories: graduation, school,

Premium Member Never Too Late
At no time say never- that it is too late
fulfilling accomplishments you've left undone.
At times, what you long for is not met by fate;
Must tend...

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Categories: appreciation, graduation, inspirational, uplifting,

Premium Member No Bookworm
Today is the first day of school
the summer too short at the pool
	school days are long
	this is so wrong 
I think going to school isn’t...

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Categories: child, dad, father, graduation,

Premium Member Hopeful Sky
She awoke to dawn’s crispy rising,
her head filled with tasks for the day
and what she found surprising,
the time was here, come what may.

The eventful night...

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Categories: celebration, dream, graduation, hope,

A Time To Dream
Some say we’re in the hands of fate
But decisions yet to come
Will only prove that we create
The people we become

The future has an unseen face

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Categories: graduation, 11th grade, 12th grade,

As He Began Paving His Way
When he entered college that fall,
The light of knowledge cast its ray.
He learned how to stand proud and tall,
As he began paving his way.

The light...

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Categories: graduation, brother, encouraging, endurance, graduate,

Premium Member Neoteny
I always hate it when someone I count on gets promoted out of my everyday life. Nothing bathes one in neoteny like being left behind...

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Categories: graduation, 12th grade, angst, friendship,

Premium Member No Guarantees
A college degree is good to have
          but it doesn't guarantee you anything

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Categories: education, future, graduation,

Premium Member Intellectual Properties
A property needing protect 
Postal delivers reads address printed “the intellect”
A smart move it would be 
To arm oneself with the concept known as the...

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Categories: class, education, graduation, growing

Dear Corona, From Class of 2020
Tassels are turned, and caps are in the air,
High school ends just like that with a handshake.
This is a day we’ve been waiting to share

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© Ava Loch  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: graduation, 12th grade, class, education,

My Prayer:
JESUS, I give Praise, Thanks, Honor to You
Life is a life of SHALOM with Thee LORD
You are MY Defender, Healer, Master
You know me: I...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: graduation, 9th grade, allah, blessing,

Graduation Day

I know I was excited when graduation came
And I walked to the platform as you proudly called my name.
I held my hand out proudly,...

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Categories: graduation,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things