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Go Poems - Poems about Go

Go Poems - Examples of all types of poems about go to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for go.
Where Voices Go Unheard
If I spoke, would my voice cut through The thick silence, or drown inside it? Not every sound makes ripples here, Where everything feels still, unseen. I watch the world pass, unremarked, As if my pulse is tied to air— A...Read the rest...
Categories: go, 9th grade,
Form: Lyric
Go Out In Droves
I see you standing there acting as if you don’t care, you have been listening to a lot of argument about the city and the gate, the time has come when you have to...Read the rest...
Categories: go, america, appreciation, business, career,
Form: Vogon Poetry

Premium Member i eat dessert and don't go for walks - you feel me?
me mate duckbill platypus feels claustrophobic in my car me other mate asked me to be his running buddy we ran once, then he said it was too cold what a load of rubbish the river of death that finishes...Read the rest...
Categories: go, america, art, fate,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member GO, NO STAY
GO, NO—STAY Deport those filthy illegals, go call the cops! But not the brown losers who are picking our crops We won’t tell them to go Who else would stoop so low? And it would cause inflation in our grocery...Read the rest...
Categories: go, america, anger, conflict, irony,
Form: Limerick
In the Letting Go
The light breaks gentle,   slips from the sky’s grip.   Leaves fall, not asking why—   their gold too soon gone,   like a whisper fading.   Time brushes past,   and all things soften,   quiet as dusk,   quick as breath.   Nothing holds forever,   but in the letting go,   something stays....Read the rest...
Categories: go, change,
Form: Lyric

The Unraveling of Burdens
There’s a bruise I’ve carried for years, pressed deep beneath the skin of memory, the kind you forget about until it’s touched. It hums in the quiet, between conversations we never had. Forgiveness isn’t a bandage, it’s the slow peeling away of...Read the rest...
Categories: go, 9th grade,
Form: Free verse
Unable to let go
Foundation of the piece. Is life just a purging of the soul and to ascend to a higher plane of existence, do you have to let go of everything and everybody you once loved or knew? To...Read the rest...
Categories: go, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Shikata Ga Nai
Some things cannot be changed. However, you need not react; It is nonsensical to do so. Keep your focus on the things you can change And let the things that you cannot change go. Take time to let them roll...Read the rest...
Categories: go, wisdom,
Form: Acrostic
He who walks aimlessly any destination he reaches ...Read the rest...
Categories: go, allusion, creation, extended metaphor,
Form: Epigram
Wishing in the Wind
I held a small feather in my hand, light as breath, but never mine to keep. It danced in the air, slipped through my grasp, like memories we chase, but can’t reclaim. I whispered my hopes into the wind, sent...Read the rest...
Categories: go, 9th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member go to restaurant for oldsters
Village Inn a go-to restaurant for oldsters old old old old old people the parking lot is full of walkers and canes they are hobbling in the speed of clogged ketchup at seventy-two, I feel like a baby chick next...Read the rest...
Categories: go, age,
Form: Free verse
Where Do Rich People Go
Rich people are busy like a bee Real rich people show is kaleidoscopic I have read their moments They go to French farm For picking up the ripe grapes Go to Milan for the fashion show And eat sunflower seeds Some...Read the rest...
Categories: go, blessing, life, passion, people,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Here we go again
Here we go again (pun intended), Some points raised but poorly defended. Opinions are not facts. But ignoring contracts, Don’t sit well however well intended. ...Read the rest...
Categories: go, satire,
Form: Limerick
Letting go
Let us all dine And drink some wine What if we stopped whining And start dining Let us throw all our worries into the sea And gobble down our cup of tea Let us get out of this vale And...Read the rest...
Categories: go, bible, cool, deep, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Letting go
Let us all dine And drink some wine What if we stopped whining And start dining Let us throw all our worries into the sea And gobble down our cup of tea Let us get out of this vale And...Read the rest...
Categories: go, bible, cool, deep, emotions,
Form: Rhyme

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