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You left with the first autumn leaves

Your hair smells 
of conifer forests 
and the Michaelmas summer 
that I nurture on my palms.

Winter is looming,
they cut down the trees.

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Lover Mine

O Lover mine,

Mind of mind,

From times of mine,

Our Autumn days,

Sixty shades,

Of senile grey,

Your balding ways,

A tonsure's fine,

From times of mine,

O Lover mine.......
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Soul Mates

A thousand miles apart 
but close in heart, 
forever, we will be! 

A southern Bama Sky 
gently kissed 
by a New York Autumn breeze. 

Infectious laughter, 
forever dancing 
amongst sweet maple trees.
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Sparks and Embers

Sparks and embers from you keep me glowing. When out our immense window the falling of God's silvery moonlight is showing. The dancing of autumn leaves doing a magic waltz for us. How can we do anything except embrace and touch? So lost, we are in God's wanderlust! September 15, 2019
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Autumn Calls

Autumn Calls

Autumn calls...
when suddenly the leaves fall.

Autumn calls...
when the colors are amber, orange and red,
and the sound of a child's laughter
dance in my head.

Autumn calls...
when the air feels so crisp and clean,
and I feel so serene.

Autumn calls...
when you wrap your arms around me,
and you keep me safe from harm.

Autumn calls...
I'm SO in love with you!!
And that is the most beautiful call of all.

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People desperately trying to find love, 
It's okay person,
You'll find it one day, 
Stop chasing it now my dear, 

It will come one day, 
Just like why the sun sets in the West
It's surely gonna happen one day to all of us, 
We either let go of said opportunity or don't,
It's still all up to us.

I have done both, 
And I regret both decisions, 
But I know one day she will come to me, 
One day I'll give her the warmest of embraces, 
One day she'll smile at me and see the world's happiness,
One day I'll see her smile and see my whole world.
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My Faint Ray of Sun

Like the faint ray of sun on an autumn day,
Thou alluring Josephus, bring all my warmth.
Trestles on trees crunch while the birds play;
And all the stars sparkle as if it was the fourth.

Crossing paths with displeasing actions,
Worrisome over my fleeting hereafter,
You are the calming force of my interactions.
The gracious beauty of mine rejoices in laughter.

Till the very day of our sweet encounter,
You’ll give every kiss through our 4 grand miles.
Every second that tick is worth all your smiles.
Infatuating more than our hearts portray,
Like the faint ray of sun on an autumn day.
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Wish Upon a Star

One day I wished upon a star to send me a love from afar.
                                     I wished for a love with bright red hair.
Hair as red as a bright winter fire.
                              I wished for him to have lips as juicy as strawberries and
eyes as brown as an autumn leaf that falls to the ground.
           I wished for him to have a touch as gentle as a cool summer breeze,
I wanted him to knock me to my knees.
                    Little did I know I had already found my bow!
      We danced and talked under that bright star I wished upon until the early dawn.
 I was lucky to have the star that fateful night, for I found the love of my life that night!
Details | Romanticism |

You Are the Man I Love

Yes you are the man I love
Were you sent from God above?
You're my strength,my joy,my heart
I pray that we will never part.

You make me angry
You make me smile
But,all the struggles are so worthwhile.

I love your strength,your jokes and smile
Even when you drive me wild
I learn from you more each day
to look at things "not always my way"
Your never unfair with your beliefs
Even when,I just can''t see.

I love you.....
More each day
for just being you in that special way...

My lighthouse in darkness
My anchor in a storm
I bless the day that you were born.
I thank you, for loving me
A part of my life you will always be.
I'll carry you with me wherever I go
Spring,Autumn,Summer and the deep,deep snow......
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Dreams From Paper Airplanes

We fondly strolled through languid ways And rambled on without goodbyes; On cool and moonlit autumn days That held a glimpse of paradise . Bewitched by evening's lucent beams He told me I was ever fair-- That mirrors all our lifetime dreams While tucking ribbons in my hair. Time lit love's candle in my heart, Although I vaguely heard his sighs Enkindling flames that we won't part; Retracing oceans in my eyes : Yet journeys he had known, afar Unsure of betrothed vows, our plan: This oath circling on his lone star But wait I must, dear pilot man. ..................................... Premiere I - Open: Rob Carmack's Contest Resubmitted 12/26/ 2016 Inspired by the Line 'Vapor Trail Dreams, From Paper Airplanes' Title Of Poem Shortened--- Pic included
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My Man

MY MAN My man,now, I will close my starry eyes. Catch... As I'll held my hand to yours. Quench my emptiness with your heart. Each heartbeat may it etch, no depart... My man, oh how I long to be like this, All of a sudden, summer and winter collide. Bringing autumn and spring in one be nearer. nearer... nearer as you please. My man, you and me in bone-melting bliss Stars whisper bright of blooming love kiss Next to God, you're my fortress, my air, my life From darkness thorns to daylight rose, no strife My man, hold on, cling tight. Never forgo. Together, we can soar like pigeon's flights.. (c) OLive ELoisa 11:50am August 14, 2014 **** Got inspired with Tim Smith's poem: GIRL.. :) Thanks Tim for the inspiration..:} ID=41165
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Where the Peaceful Light Flows

Where Peaceful Light Flows

When clouds break away the stream of light comes through 
As you dance upon the earth it continues to bring you to me,
As our place of origin is in Your sands of time, 

Comes the newborn children of God'' baptised of water.
A whole new generation moves through the night, 
they whispers upon the ears of there brothers, sisters
The ripples of their words shivery move through the body 
As the sun light glistens on the glass.

As they listen to the words they glimpse upon God, 
The Lords' presence is in us and all around us.
As He summons us to go forth to shear His message 
Where the peaceful light flows to all people.

As the rainbow arcs across the sky is a promise is displayed, 
The graceful flight of a butterfly it takes my breath away, .
The autumn leaves in their splendor fall gracefully to the earth, 
As the stars sing their song every night we see Your face among them, 

And you listen to our prayers as Your presence is all around, 
As He summons us to go forth to shear His message, 
Where the peaceful light flows to all people.

Rev. Samuel Mack, OMS, DD

Copyright 2014
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A Beautiful Reverie

Here I lie beside you
My heart goes thump.thump.thump.
My soul dances inside you
Reveling in the texture of your own.
Electric and flowing 
The currents of our love
Glow like neon lights
Illuminating the hope in my eyes.
Though we're not moving
I feel so incredibly alive
Invincible to my past
Untouchable by all who lack
That gentle touch of when 
You lean in and brush my face
Your lips grazing my skin
Softer than a butterfly.
And then you gaze into my eyes
I fall into your depths 
Twirling like the autumn leaves
Melting into your smile 
Your soul reminiscent of summer.
You pull me into your arms 
And for a moment I'm lost 
Breathless and in awe
Staring in the face of pure exquisite love 
And there you are - holding it 
Glowing in the moonlight of my stare.
My heart beats - its drum pounding away
Echoing a song thats lost its words
I touch your cheek and smile
My hands cant stay away
My lips s l o w l y, draw near yours
Hovering, and then - 
Part, a soft warmth against them.
My eye lids pulling shut
Dragging me into a silent heaven
I pull away - and what seemed millennia
Lasted only a moment, a second in time
But this is our love
This is what you do to me
You make me invincible and fragile
Lost forever in a beautiful reverie.
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Some Passing Tune

SOME PASSING TUNE Listen, my love, rise from the bed with me . . . How can you sleep through night's eternity? You sleep too long, anon our life will break - now is the time to live, eyes be awake! Gaze by the window at crystal clear waning moon, beloved remember nights like this will pass too soon. Count and watch for winking stars in the hoary-domed sky; evening is born of shadows and upon dawn must die. We are aged yes, but still none too wise, for we have moonlight, starlight in our eyes! Caress me dear, be mindless that our time is going to a secret land that is not beyond our knowing. . . Come lean your drowsy head against my shoulder. Hurry, before we are older and the wind grows colder. Cuddle me, our autumn soon will cease to be -- with each passing moment left, ah! be all you are to me! Awake, my long darling -- to be with you - - to stay the lengthiest of lifetime through is much too short, a time to feel, to see your grave, sweet face held close... held close to me! ________________________________ Written: 1st stanza and last: iambic pentameter 2nd, 3rd, 4th: variations from 10, 11, 13, 14 syllables Sponsor: Sheri Fresonke Harper Contest Name: Rock Me Around the Clock or Rock Me to Sleep--Rhythm Poems Placed 4th ©O. E. Guillermo 03:37 pm, December 23, 2014
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It’s past midnight and sleep has walked out on me, yet, again.
I stand in the door way to the quiet patio, now bare ...
There’s a frost advisory tonight so precious plants are safely housed  
As I stare into the vastness of navy skies, listening to the hush
It’s a beautiful autumn night, a bit chilly, but I really don’t mind
Some old song is being played softly on the radio..
And I smile faintly listening to the words 
I turn it off, still sky gazing as my thoughts gather wings 
Finally, I sigh and give in to the tugging desire of my heart
For it seems it will give me no respite...
I am wondering how you spent your day.
What delights did your eyes behold? 
What beauty thrilled your heart and soul? 
And did it bring you close to tears?
Soon, jealousy overrides my melancholy
However, it’s my decision not to resist; I welcome the injected pain 
Somehow it makes me feel more alive as it drives the numbness away 
I try to imagine the simple things you touch,
The people around you who breathe the air that you breathe,
Every cup of java which touch your lips...
Leaving playful kisses, instead of me,
I think of your smile so alluring which makes beautiful flowers blush...
Yes, and I am jealous. That I can not deny 
 AsI stand in the doorway, leading to my quiet patio
Washed in silvery moon light casting shadows on the wall
My heart fills with anxiety; shallow breaths barely escaping...
Solemnly, I lean against the patio door, so needing your embrace
And all I hear is your name whispered by the brisk autumn breeze!
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 Dragon eyes with breathless skin, that was him.  Lips that could taste like strawberries, but he makes all the women swoon when he walks into the room.   He blew me away as if he was melting my mountains.  He had kings in my castle kneeling at his feet an my towards did the same. 

In a cruel way, he tamed the worst parts of me an it felt like my heart was wearing nothing, but his safe love I couldn't escape even if I tried.   He made so many women forsake their vows, but didn't have that effect on me.  Gazing my way, he broke a part of me I didn't need anymore, but was holding on too. 

He lifted himself high enough to only have his eyes on me no matter how many women walked his way.   In that moment, I knew he was defying gravity, but could never flip my world upside down no matter how hard he tried.   I watched the women surround him with their low cut dresses with their breast showing on the side. 

The moment I walked in with my black wear, I could tell he wanted to know me better like I was Cinderella.   He became accustomed to dark vertigo with me.  He was fallen like autumn leaves his whole life, an I could tell.   He welcomed my risks an I loved his penalties. 

Although he started to become a familiar death taste with a side of heartbreak, I knew we weren't half loves, nor just friends.   I was a finalities he wanted to taste. 

His rule, nothing in his life is done till he was "walking the line" with love.   An I told him, I'm stuck in "Folsom Prison" an I got a "Ring of Fire" burning even if life doesn't want me.  His smile to my words were like he found the other part of himself. 
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Life Story

She's out in the rain, on the verge of despair.
The smoke is twirling in fresh autumn air,
Ten cigarettes stand for three-four minutes each.
She's waiting for him - he is out of reach.
At last he shows up: "Hey, I'm sorry I'm late",
She sighs with relief. What a wonderful date!
He looks like a tramp, and she looks like a whore.
A flawless match. They accept and adore
The real each other with no pretending.
But if they could simply imagine the ending!

Some casual sex, brandy, vodka and weed - 
The days of the youth. They are perfect with it.
The twenties will bring unforgettable nights,
Mash notes and roses. She'll be mesmerized
Unless one damned ring is the end of the end -
Routine will ruin their castles of sand.

Today she is only the pride of his pride,
A bit of fluff. Sex? Well, they two never mind.
But they are the victims you can't really blame -
Tomorrow this story will have a new name. 
They'll have their freedom eroded by oaths
Of love, so pristine. I'm sick of them both!
It's time to grow up if it's not way too late -
The concept of love stands for fear and fate.
Love is alcohol multiplied by their tears,
The number of both will increase in some years.

Some casual sex, brandy, vodka and weed - 
The days of the youth. They are perfect with it.
The twenties will bring unforgettable nights,
Mash notes and roses. She'll be mesmerized
Unless one damned ring is the end of the end
Routine will ruin their castles of sand.

Ten years have passed, she is still in despair.
She lies in their bed, breathing close heavy air.
Ten cigarettes stand for three-four minutes each.
She's waiting for him - he is out of reach.
He shows up drunk in his torn baggy clothes,
She leers at him. What a night for them both!
She looks like an ugly and worn-out whore.
They're no more able to love and adore
The real each other with no pretending.
But they had a way to escape from this ending.
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Essence of Your Love

"The Essence of your Love"

    When I was just a little girl, my mother told me the classic fairytale about a handsome knight on a white horse that would come and sweep me off my feet, 
    In one precious moment our eyes would meet, our souls would become intertwined, and as one our hearts would beat.
    As I came of age, and was permitted to date. I began to speculate that I would never find my soulmate. 
    Time passed, and I became worrisome that my years were slipping by, and my prince had yet arrived.
    Had I gotten overlooked by fate, was I destined to be deprived?
    The clock did not slow down, as it continued to tick away...
    Until the tables had turned and you just appeared in my life, on the most beautiful crisp autumn day.
    Everything happened so fast, within six months we were walking down the aisle. 
    We were lost in one anothers eyes as we recited our vows, I couldn't help but smile. 
    You have made it a ritual to tell me everyday how beautiful I am, and how much you love me.
    For my heart belongs to you, the are the holder of the key. 
    The Essence of your love, allow me to tell you what this entails.
    During hard times we inhale, exhale, and then our strength and faith prevails. 
    Communication yes, that is fundamental we speak only the truth. 
    We are aware that words are weapons, therefore we have couth. 
    Side by side we stand, never in front of or behind, 
    I would chose you again, if given the chance to rewind. 
    An amazing husband, father, and bestfriend. 
    Amen, your my godsend, I intend all my living days with you to spend. 
    The Essence of your Love, still gives me butterflies in my stomach when you are near,
    Even after all this time, as we approach our tenth year. 
    I am as madly in love with you as I was early on, but a bit of contradiction because I love you more as each day passes.
    So here is a toast to, "The Essence of your Love" let us raise our glasses. 

     Misty Brown

Book: Reflection on the Important Things