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Fiona Poems - Poems about Fiona

Fiona Poems - Examples of all types of poems about fiona to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for fiona.

Fiona Interrupted
Lately I’ve kept thinking How you’re only late if you show up I don’t wanna be in someone else’s web of memories I don’t wanna be the guardian angel who returns from the heavenly gates...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, break up, depression, emo,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fiona
If you happen on a field of roses…swaying in the afternoon sun It is often difficult to discover the individual beauty of each one. Today I’d like to introduce you to one particular flower that I chose with...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, beauty,
Form: Rhyme

Fiona Bonnie Heather Nairne
Fiona, fair beauty, fleet footed and fancy free, Flits over the field, Full of life and fun, a joy to see. She’s my Bonnie canine, sweet and good, Loving and loyal, a regal golden, Her tail held high, 'til...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, best friend, dog, eulogy,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Finn and Fiona
He thought that he had lost all his marbles on the crossing The autumn tides had been huge and the currents strong Mostly the aquamarine ones off track and abandoned A bit like blue smarties excluded from the...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, love,
Form: Free verse
Fiona Mutesi
Fiona mutesi Will be queen of the world I remember The king of katwe castling His opponent's queen...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, africa,
Form: Tanka

Fiona In the Night
For Fiona Meyrick, poet and musician; a Petrarchan sonnet Fiona, in the silence of the night Sings songs of sorrow soft in minor key That sigh above all formal melody In cadences that dance like birds in flight She rests...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, muse, music, mystery, night,
Form: Sonnet
Shrek and Fiona
Don't cry my dad, for your single tear is as deep as ocean of love, Don't cry my mom, for your care is as pure as a dove. Don't cry my brothers, as your company is all...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, emotions, family, father, feelings,
Form: Light Verse
A Poem For a Purpose - By Fiona
Each poem must have a purpose; Each verb, each certain noun, fawning adjective, needs a place, a form, a hole, to fit. Purple is not a word for a poem, it has no place. "No rhyme?" say cat/rat/bat, "Outrageous" say...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, recovery from...
Form: I do not know?
I first met Fiona at a Christmas party A beautiful woman in a young girl’s body Fiona was far more mature than her years And she chose me that night Despite a host of more suitable suitors And we...Read the rest...
Categories: fiona, love
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things