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Green Color Poems

These Green Color poems are examples of Color poems about Green. These are the best examples of Color Green poems written by international poets.

Premium Member - Haiku X 331 - bottle green -

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Categories: color, nature,

Premium Member Wear are You
You ask me what am I wearing
A heart full of hazel hope
A silver spirit daring and cherry caring
My mind is not blind to green ghosts...

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Categories: america, blue, color, food,

Premium Member Night's Many Colors
Mysterious blue
as midnight moonlight spills on
meandering dreams.
Once butterflies' ball is done
merlot bliss lies past the sun!

Red Mars reveries
join nights of mulberry rose
camouflaging green.
So many are...

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Categories: beauty, color, flower, moon,

Piquant Colors
Arrays of colors
Our backyard bring: green, purple
Red, yellow and there's more....

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Categories: color, engagement, garden, perspective,

Premium Member Autumn Leaves

Amber, orange, red, gold  falL
Undergo change from green lifE
Touched by sweet decaying aromA
Undercurrent swirling dance of improV
Marauding chill in the breezE
Nimble corpses, once living...

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Categories: autumn, color, death, life,

Premium Member Revel In A Luscious Glimpse
Deep blood red orange cloud’s,
ethereal dream float,
Satin wind carrier of luscious mint,
green hymnody’s deft transport,
Spring hues random loitering,
between gray peeled branches,
Chirpy echo squeak,
 from red-wing...

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Categories: appreciation, beauty, celebration, color,

Premium Member The Pilfered Peck
Peter Piper was ever punctilious, like minty nature's painstaking paintings,
Or the palsied skies of one pretty evening, in the hour of the sun's fainting.

Peter lived...

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Categories: color, fantasy, farm, food,

Green means go, they say
A sign for movement of flight
A sign that there's life....

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Categories: color, engagement, life, perspective,

Prime Birds
Seven red birds flew across the blue sky,
But only five arrived at their destination.
Two had broken off from the flock, buy why?
The green meadow on...

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Categories: bird, color,

Premium Member Au Contraire
Mary was ten and she adored flowers, and she had three pretty sisters;
But, she never could make a garden grow; like stars, losing jade glitter.


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Categories: beauty, color, garden, love,

Premium Member Heartbeats
Can you hear my heartbeat 
To the sound of little feet
Running around me meowing 
Like a cat or barking
Can you hear my jilted fears
Pealed away...

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Categories: art, color, red,

The Dance of Jealousy
Behind these doors and below
The grand stage lights,

The music spills over the seats
Like moss green and grey;

A sense of scalpel and pin
Crouches down and crawls;


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© Joy Jeung  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: color, dance, deep, emotions,

Premium Member Swirling Aural Vision
to swirling
aural vision
a dawn nirvana
dazzling  shades crisp allure
from earth to faraway sky
clouds  that drift, float and harmonise
birds that scatter leafs on green clad...

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Categories: beautiful, beauty, birth, color,

One And The Same
The greens that I see
Reflect the polo I wear
We're green and the same....

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Categories: appreciation, color, engagement, life,

Premium Member We Believe in Diverse
  We believe in diverse in our universe
    Our government’s a meritocracy in reverse

  Red folks, brown folks, yellow and...

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Categories: color, earth, humor, satire,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things