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Church Poems - Poems about Church

Church Poems - Examples of all types of poems about church to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for church.
Premium Member The Abandoned Church
How long have you been alone People used to gather around you Helping each other Praying to their God But their God walked away The doors were locked And the windows were nailed shut All of the people left Finding other places to...Read the rest...
Categories: church, god, loss, prayer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Purple Pondering
I’m at the age where I’ve grown really long hair And I don’t denim care That the trend is to cut it No longer wearing high heels Just for a flex or a thrill More about how my feet feel And they...Read the rest...
Categories: church, birth, poetry, red,
Form: Rhyme

church skeptical word bankrupt without ...Read the rest...
Categories: church, allusion, extended metaphor, faith,
Form: List

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Bloodstained Alter
Red on the marble floor a silent witness to the horror Her blood pools at the altar a stark testament to my sin Her body lies lifeless once so full of grace Now broken bruised deprived of love’s embrace I stand frozen disbelieving the weight...Read the rest...
Categories: church, murder,
Form: Free verse
Those church doors, once open wide, are closed. Hinges rusted and ancient thorn bushes, once trimmed, now block entry. Inside, the pews are barren. The pulpit, a dust-covered monument to an age gone by. The stained-glass windows, shattered. No hymns echo through the...Read the rest...
Categories: church, christian, jesus,
Form: Free verse

Does modernity's veil conceal nakedness within? Does civilization's stride lead to exposure's sin? How has religion's influence shaped culture's gentle face? And tradition's timeless values, have they been erased? I recall a childhood wrapped in decency's warm fold Parents guiding...Read the rest...
Categories: church, anxiety, cheer up, childhood,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member I Go To Church Each Sunday
I go to church each Sunday, God warns ‘there’s much to fear, the world is decomposing, the final end is near’. I go to church each Sunday and taste the wine and bread, though elsewhere on our globus raw hunger reigns instead. I...Read the rest...
Categories: church, humanity, society,
Form: Rhyme
Unitarian Church returnee
Unitarian Church returnee After a hiatus of countless years plus an additional almost three months since a major makeover, (I experienced the magic wrought courtesy a bonafide big hearted beautician at Salon Nova located in beautiful downtown Limerick, Pennsylvania to render my...Read the rest...
Categories: church, 3rd grade, age, america,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Church Walk
there is a place of deep repose where chasing Christmas never goes along a path of fallen leaves where autumn’s warm late beauty breathes - a timeless tranquil silent space that keeps at bay those rats that race and frees the...Read the rest...
Categories: church, hope, life, silence, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Quaker
Quaint neighborhood sits near Quaker church which provides Quiet contemplation. Quotes from founders enhance Quest to share peace hugs. I'm Quick to rise, sing hymns to Quench my thirst for God Truth....Read the rest...
Categories: church, god, peace, song,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Christmastime Dreams POTD
Holiday Acrostic Holiday joy, may it always remain to be yours! Old-fashioned, fun-loving, cuddly, sleigh-ride tours. Lots of hot apple cider, in mugs filled with...Read the rest...
Categories: church, christmas, fun,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Church Bells and Jelly Sandwiches
Every Sunday, my sisters and I would tag along with Mom To the church down the street, Excited for the day to unfold. Mom would wear her Sunday’s best; I remember she looked so elegant, With a fancy hat...Read the rest...
Categories: church, blessing, child, children, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Sanctimonious Church-Goers
she and he in polished shoes, his tie she tied like a noose, sunday's knight, shining with borrowed grace. the church bell rings, like something forgotten it had to say— they hear it as their anthem. he's got the Book tucked under his...Read the rest...
Categories: church, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Kings Of Backgammon
The kings of backgammon, descendants of Bulgarian kings and Austro-Hungarian princes Russian counts and countesses, Czech barons Your ancestors have seen better days. They accepted their fate as the natural state of affairs And when it turned out to be...Read the rest...
Categories: church, blessing, lonely, sad,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Boomers Late Bloomer
Skinny in youth thick in later days Champion for truth despite delays As a late bloomer in thought process Born to a baby boomer and so blessed Believed in God but didn’t get much church Felt so odd how the...Read the rest...
Categories: church, america, appreciation, bereavement,
Form: Bio

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