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Famous Church Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Church poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous church poems. These examples illustrate what a famous church poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...e through an eternal age. 

North of Judea now this day appears 
On Syria west, and in each city fair 
Full many a church of noble fame doth rise. 
In Antioch the seat of Syrian kings, 
And old Damascus, where Hazael reign'd. 
Now Cappadocia Mithridates' realm, 
And poison-bearing Pontus, whose deep shades 
Were shades of death, admit the light of truth. 
In Asia less seven luminaries rise, 
Bright lights, which with celestial vigour burn, 
And give the day i...Read more of this...
by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry

...Voice is all these tuneful Fools admire,
Who haunt Parnassus but to please their Ear,
Not mend their Minds; as some to Church repair,
Not for the Doctrine, but the Musick there.
These Equal Syllables alone require,
Tho' oft the Ear the open Vowels tire,
While Expletives their feeble Aid do join,
And ten low Words oft creep in one dull Line,
While they ring round the same unvary'd Chimes,
With sure Returns of still expected Rhymes.
Where-e'er you find the cooling West...Read more of this...
by Pope, Alexander
And its gravel paths. 

And on Sundays they rang the bells, 
From Baptist and Evangelical and Catholic churches. 
They had a Salvation Army. 
I was taken to a High Church; 
The parson's name was Mowbray, 
"Which is a good name but he thinks too much of it --" 
That's what I heard people say. 

I took a little black book 
To that cold, grey, damp, smelling church, 
And I had to sit on a hard bench, 
Wriggle off it to kneel down when they sang psalm...Read more of this...
by Aldington, Richard
...naked Soul—

When Winds take Forests in their Paws—
The Universe—is still—


Some keep the Sabbath going to Church—
I keep it, staying at Home—
With a Bobolink for a Chorister—
And an Orchard, for a Dome—

Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice—
I just wear my Wings—
And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,
Our little Sexton—sings.

God preaches, a noted Clergyman—
And the sermon is never long,
So instead of getting to Heaven, at last—
I'm going, a...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
...with the greatest of ease.
and play a few rounds of golf as if it were nothing.
These same people stroll into a church 
as if that were a natural part of life. 
Investing money is second nature to them. 
They contribute to political campaigns 
that have absolutely no poetry in them 
and promise none for the future.
They sit around the dinner table at night 
and pretend as though nothing is missing. 
Their children get caught shoplifting at the mall 
an...Read more of this...
by Tate, James

...armer of Grand-Pre
Lived on his sunny farm, and Evangeline governed his household.
Many a youth, as he knelt in the church and opened his missal,
Fixed his eyes upon her as the saint of his deepest devotion;
Happy was he who might touch her hand or the hem of her garment!
Many a suitor came to her door, by the darkness befriended,
And, as he knocked and waited to hear the sound of her footsteps,
Knew not which beat the louder, his heart or the knocker of iron;
Or at the j...Read more of this...
by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth that fluttering stranger! and as oft
With unclosed lids, already had I dreamt
Of my sweet birth-place, and the old church-tower,
Whose bells, the poor man's only music, rang
>From morn to evening, all the hot Fair-day,
So sweetly, that they stirred and haunted me
With a wild pleasure, falling on mine ear
Most like articulate sounds of things to come!
So gazed I, till the soothing things, I dreamt,
Lulled me to sleep, and sleep prolonged my dreams!
And so I broode...Read more of this...
by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
...and cliff and deep-inrunning cave,
At close of day; slept, woke, and went the next,
The Sabbath, pious variers from the church,
To chapel; where a heated pulpiteer,
Not preaching simple Christ to simple men,
Announced the coming doom, and fulminated
Against the scarlet woman and her creed:
For sideways up he swung his arms, and shriek'd
`Thus, thus with violence,' ev'n as if he held
The Apocalyptic millstone, and himself
Were that great Angel; `Thus with violence
Shall Babylo...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...not in for a night of him. No sleep
If he had stayed. The least thing set him going.
It’s quiet as an empty church without him.”

“But how much better off are we as it is?
We’ll have to sit here till we know he’s safe.”

“Yes, I suppose you’ll want to, but I shouldn’t.
He knows what he can do, or he wouldn’t try.
Get into bed I say, and get some rest.
He won’t come back, and if he telephones,
It won’t be for an hour or two.”

“Well then——

...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert
...oly whatever I touch or am touch’d
The scent of these arm-pits, aroma finer than prayer; 
This head more than churches, bibles, and all the creeds. 

If I worship one thing more than another, it shall be the spread of my own body,
 or any part of it. 

Translucent mould of me, it shall be you! 
Shaded ledges and rests, it shall be you!
Firm masculine colter, it shall be you. 

Whatever goes to the tilth of me, it shall be you! 
You my rich bloo...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...t to the Cross. 
He took on sin in the Virgin’s womb 
And put it off on the Cross and tomb 
To be worshipp’d by the Church of Rome. 

Was Jesus humble? or did He 
Give any proofs of humility? 
Boast of high things with humble tone, 
And give with charity a stone? 
When but a child He ran away, 
And left His parents in dismay. 
When they had wander’d three days long 
These were the words upon His tongue: 
‘No earthly parents I confess: 
I am doing My Father’s busin...Read more of this...
by Blake, William
...e steeple. 
A dog barked, and an owl was calling, 
The squire's brook was still a-falling, 
The carved heads on the church looked down 
On "Russell, Blacksmith of this Town," 
And all the graves of all the ghosts 
Who rise on Christmas Eve in hosts 
To dance and carol in festivity 
For joy of Jesus Christ's Nativity 
(Bell-ringer Dawe and his two sons 
Beheld 'em from the bell-tower once}, 
To and two about about 
Singing the end of Advent out, 
Dwindling down to windlest...Read more of this...
by Masefield, John
Gave him an isle of marsh whereon to build; 
And there he built with wattles from the marsh 
A little lonely church in days of yore, 
For so they say, these books of ours, but seem 
Mute of this miracle, far as I have read. 
But who first saw the holy thing today?' 

`A woman,' answered Percivale, `a nun, 
And one no further off in blood from me 
Than sister; and if ever holy maid 
With knees of adoration wore the stone, 
A holy maid; though never maiden glowed...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...bsp; And he must post without delay  Across the bridge that's in the dale,  And by the church, and o'er the down,  To bring a doctor from the town,  Or she will die, old Susan Gale.   There is no need of boot or spur,  There is no need of whip or wand,  For Johnny has his holly-bough,  And with a hurly-burly now  He shakes the green bough i...Read more of this...
by Wordsworth, William
     The stranger, raptured and amazed,
     And, 'What a scene were here,' he cried,
     'For princely pomp or churchman's pride!
     On this bold brow, a lordly tower;
     In that soft vale, a lady's bower;
     On yonder meadow far away,
     The turrets of a cloister gray;
     How blithely might the bugle-horn
     Chide on the lake the lingering morn!
     How sweet at eve the lover's lute
     Chime when the groves were still and mute!
     And when ...Read more of this...
by Scott, Sir Walter

What needeth greater dilatation?
I say, by treaty and ambassadry,
And by the Pope's mediation,
And all the Church, and all the chivalry,
That in destruction of Mah'metry,* *Mahometanism
And in increase of Christe's lawe dear,
They be accorded* so as ye may hear; *agreed

How that the Soudan, and his baronage,
And all his lieges, shall y-christen'd be,
And he shall have Constance in marriage,
And certain gold, I n'ot* what quantity, *know not
And hereto find they ...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...contemplate together upon it and see whether your
lot or mine is most desirable
So he took me thro' a stable & thro' a church & down into
the church vault at the end of which was a mill: thro' the mill 
we went, and came to a cave. down the winding cavern we groped
our tedious way till a void boundless as a nether sky appeard
beneath us & we held by the roots of trees and hung over this
immensity; but I said, if you please we will commit ourselves
to this void, and see w...Read more of this...
by Blake, William my catechism; I know we're caromed 
With the best doctrines till we quite o'erflow; 
I know that all save England's church have shamm'd, 
And that the other twice two hundred churches 
And synagogues have made a damn'd bad purchase. 


God help us all! God help me too! I am, 
God knows, as helpless as the devil can wish, 
And not a whit more difficult to damn, 
Than is to bring to land a late-hook'd fish, 
Or to the butcher to purvey the lamb; 
Not that I'm fit for...Read more of this...
by Byron, George (Lord)
...Percy, the best man, 
As thin as paper and as smart as paint, 
Bade us good-by with admirable restraint, 
Went from the church to catch his train to hell; 
And died-saving his batman from a shell. 

We went down to Devon, 
 In a warm summer rain, 
Knowing that our happiness 
 Might never come again; 
I, not forgetting, 
 'Till death us do part,' 
Was outrageously happy 
 With death in my heart. 
Lovers in peacetime 
 With fifty years to live, 
Have time to teas...Read more of this...
by Miller, Alice Duer mine to forget?

On how many desert roads have searched I
With him who wasn't dear for me,
How many bows gave in church I
For him, who had well loved me.

I've become more oblivious than inviting,
Quietly years swim.
Lips unkissed, eyes unsmiling --
Nothing will give me back him.

x x x

Ah! It is you again. You enter in this house
Not as a kid in love, but as a husband
Courageous, harsh and in control.
The calm before the storm i...Read more of this...
by Akhmatova, Anna

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Church poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things