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Hate Books Poems

These Hate Books poems are examples of Books poems about Hate. These are the best examples of Books Hate poems written by international poets.


It’s hate or love
A book’s cover
Another guise

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Categories: books,


Catullus LXXXV: 'Odi et Amo'
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

I hate. I love.
You ask, 'Why not refrain?'
I wish I could explain.
I can't, but feel...

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Categories: books, boy, god, hate,

the past visited
the past revisited 

He was going back to his home in a tiny village from 
where people congregated living close together and professed to hate...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: africa, birth, books, car,

Premium Member War no more
People gathering in the street
Heading for their own defeat
Fist raised high in the air
Screaming of a life so unfair
I don't care
Join us or die
Their war...

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Categories: books, corruption, dream,

Premium Member Better way
Walking on through a door
Seeking one day more
To see another sunrise
Past the raindrops  the world cries
Wishing always for a better way
Or even the right...

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Categories: beach, books, creation,

It is impossible
It may be impossible for any of us to like everybody,
But we can choose to hate nobody....

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Categories: books, age, analogy, appreciation, baptism,

Premium Member Fools Follow
A word master I would need to be
To describe all I see
Leaving the cloth behind
Let it all go, become one of the blind
As the world...

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Categories: adventure, books, drink,

Premium Member Emotion
I think people have the wrong view of emotion 
.they Cause such a commotion 
Give you a pill
To counter that one, another one still
All these...

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Categories: books,

The Female Lead
Do I need to be different for you to love me,
In a crowd of extravagant dresses,
Wear a plain white one
In a room of plain dresses,

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Categories: books, crush, cry, heartbreak,

Premium Member I Speak Again For Love
Welcome Back!
  Did you listen to May I Speak to you for every word is
substantially rocked in the cradle of love and with ...

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Categories: angel, bible, books, cheer

Lucubrations Fuels Ebullience
Lucubrations fuels ebullience

Unsolicited, revered, and praised
potential literary fete,
(yes a bit hyperbolic),
sans mine posted poems that perambulate
such feedback, whither donning trumped
("FAKE") facade, Oriel sincere

twittering, nonetheless tis...

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Categories: books, 12th grade, addiction, adventure,


I throw a towel into tomorrow 
But I wake up in the dead of the night
My nerves won't let me have a moment's rest
My heart...

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Categories: anxiety, books, student,

Premium Member Whispers of Faith
Whispers of Faith 

Sit and listen
as I spin a tale for you, 
of wonder and woe. 
A people once loved a king. 
Then they killed...

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: blessing, books, cancer, christian,

Sain par pabandi hai
Kyun k choot gndi ha.
Note.choot choot.....

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Categories: abuse, body, books, friendship,

Teaching History
How can we teach history?
Without bringing hate into the story.

How can we teach history?
And not bring thirst for revenge to the story.

How can we teach...

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Categories: analogy, appreciation, baptism, books,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things