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Sonnet Blank Verse Poems

These Sonnet Blank Verse poems are examples of Blank Verse poems about Sonnet. These are the best examples of Blank Verse Sonnet poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Mother Said
She seeks her enlightenment with hunger like a wolf 
Trapped in a sacred bubble shrinking with licked wounds
Pushing out the people once vital now twice...

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Categories: betrayal, child, daughter, family,

Alas it is a chore to write Blank Verse
Unable to peruse my rhyme filled purse
In search for words not better but not worse
A sad lament...

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Categories: blank verse, humor, irony, muse, words,

a sonnet
A sonnet 

In Gaza, Hamas has tunnels under Gaza 
in New York, the Jews have built tunnels deep underground for a reason many find eccentric

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: 7th grade, abuse, allusion,

A Simple Sonnet
A simple sonnet

The tramp, who sits on a low ledge, near the entrance of the 
modest supermarket that sells basic food fruit and vegetable
and to...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allusion, anti bullying, blessing,

Parable Sonnet
parable sonnets

I was flying high, yet it was hot my wings tired
spotted a well flew down and sat by its side.
By leaning forward, I could...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: anger, flying,

Premium Member Something I Am Not
It happens all the time when I'm with friends
especially within a group of gals-
the urge to gossip pops its ugly head;
a game to pick apart...

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Categories: how i feel,

Premium Member Let Me Not
Let me not..

Marriage of true minds is Truth of Love
Love is One: seamless..independent and free..
Alteration and impediments are undefined..
Ever-fixed Love looks on changing tempests
And cannot...

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Categories: change, inspiration,

Old Quilter, Old Poet
She’s been making quilts
for half a century and he’s been 
making poems that long as well
and every now and then he brings 
a chocolate shake...

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Categories: art,

Sonnet: Elegy In Blank Verse

I wish I could find death before I grow
so I could miss life's pain and agony. 
A child can only...

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Categories: blank verse, death, happiness, philosophy, universe,

Terra Del Fuego
Terra Dal Fuego
Ushuaia the southernmost town in Argentine when I dreamt 
of going there, we got around about on sturdy horses
herding sheep with Portuguese immigrants,...

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Categories: allegory, allusion, march,

A Dream Called Israel
A Dream Called Israel (Odd Sonnet)
The Jews of Israel or rather, the settlers suffer from 
a common psychosis that makes them quite on edge
they believe...

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Categories: abuse, adventure, allusion, angst,

Balls and Balls Sonnet 

At the posh supermarket in Albufeira, it sells Icelandic fishballs harvested from 
ten- year-old codfish. They are white, and round just...

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Categories: eulogy, good morning,

Epiphany: a Poet In Love
Did Shakespeare ever fall in love?
A rose by any other name would 
stink as sweet!
What would Y'eshua say if indeed 
Magdalene was his favorite disciple?

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© Myq Wudz  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: love

Endings Are Ne'Er Forever
Poem By Thomas Lam Hsi

SAVE FROM Satan...who plays 'all' roles...the devil...the...

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© Thomas Hsi  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: abuse, addiction, anti bullying,

Premium Member Ascend To Shakespearean Summer Sky
Ascend to Shakespearean summer sky.

I loved Shakespeare as a girl
When a sonnet was like a melody
And I was not admitting
Impediments to true minds.

Our mark is...

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Categories: love,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things