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Best Trial And Error Poems

Below are the all-time best Trial And Error poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of trial and error poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member We Learn From Trial and Error
Fixing our own mistakes can be quite a vexatious trial
Laughing at our errors often brings us a humorous smile
Asking others for assistance is not a...

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© Lin Lane  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: trial and error, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
Trial and Error
The Bessemer furnace eats its fill
It melts and then disgorges its kill
Forged as in the fires of hell 
The hard cool steel we know so...

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Categories: trial and error, metaphor, strength,
Form: Rhyme
Seek Trial and Error
Seek Trial and Error

Seek what is right in a world filled with myth
Entering now with my family and kith
Each day is a test to judge...

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Categories: trial and error, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Trial and Error
Finding a solution to a situation
Is similar to resolve a math equation

For Epigram Couplet Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Silent One
Third Place

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Categories: trial and error, inspiration,
Form: Epigram
Trial and Error
We're tested and tried every day of our life.
How we handle changes, struggle and strife.
What have we learned, how did we grow?
Are questions we ask,...

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Categories: trial and error, change, character, education, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Trial and Error
maidens of error
missteps, mistakes, mishaps ...
milestones to wisdom


Accepting responsibility and learning from your mistakes are milestones to wisdom....

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© Mark Toney  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: trial and error, life, wisdom,
Form: Senryu

Brexit Sonnet 4 - Year of Trial and Error
Brexit Sonnet No.4
‘Year of Trial and Error’

So now it’s waning, our year of trial and error,
Our brush with one inglorious year just gone.
We’ve had...

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Categories: trial and error, political,
Form: Sonnet
Trial and Error
the world is made up in trial and error,death and horror
compassion and love.depression lives within us,
sadness takes tolls in peoples lives.
they say there's only one...

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Categories: trial and error, imaginationworld, life,
Form: Free verse
Trial and Error
old cocoon
stolen taxidermist
stone puddles...

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Categories: trial and error, children, write,
Form: Senryu
Trial and Error
trial and error
we live in a world of imperfections
were we are always on trials
we believe to be smart 
we claim to be perfect 
through our...

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Categories: trial and error, abuse, africa, dedication, encouraging,
Form: Epic
Trial and Error In Africa
I give up in despair
The damage to repair
Second hand theories abound
Seeking to keep me safe and sound

The laws are changing fast
Communal activities now in the...

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Categories: trial and error, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Trial and Error
Through years of trial and error
Here are some excuses I've tried
So to all you husbands out there
Let my mistakes be your guide

Never tell your wife...

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© Larry Belt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: trial and error, funny
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member trial and error
triple hating
   triple agents
     trip over
        tripping tirades

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Categories: trial and error, humorous, society, surreal, word
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member Persevere In Writing Your Poems My Friends
Express yourselves unabashedly my friends
Because no one can honestly give you a grade
Write your poems with your own hands
Make them natural, beautiful and homemade.

Don’t worry...

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Categories: trial and error, blessing, health, inspiration, life,
Form: Rhyme
Haiku's Temple 285
Reception to night
tides falling entertainments
a nightmare of waves....

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Categories: trial and error, love,
Form: Haiku

Book: Shattered Sighs