Best Political Poems
Below are the all-time best Political poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of political poems written by PoetrySoup members
We the PeopleWe the People
Will disagree
On taxation and prosperity
On liberty and duty
We the People
Are every color of Christianity
Every Jewish prayer, every song of Islam
The puritans, the atheists...
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political, discrimination, freedom, history, society,
Political Verse
Stars and Those With Stripes"America First",
is the worst.
Should not thinking of others,
be your thirst?
Those who are selfish,
end up being cursed!
Soon they'll be last,
instead of first.
Who among you,
prefers guns and...
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political, black african american, class,
Political Verse
America the Broken“O beautiful for spacious skies”
yet marred by all it’s leaders lies.
See it’s “amber waves of grain”
beneath them hidden is a stain
I pause “For purple...
Read more of this work...
political, abuse, america, angst, beautiful,
Political Verse
Q TippingI remember when
Q was part of a Tip
now Q is a one way trip
to crazy town
It’s a place where thoughts flip
and up is down
Where every...
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political, abuse, america, angst, discrimination,
Political Verse
Course CorrectionLight the nation a new fire;
Awake the apathetic’s desire;
Like sheep to Shepherd’s crook;
We need a new course, old Book.
Our founders risked it all;
Starting with Lexington’s...
Read more of this work...
political, leadership,
Political Verse
Shattering Rose Coloured GlassesUncomplicated me
I thought I was colour blind
free thinking and kind
with an evolved mind
Loving and accepting
of the ones I find
Yet my blindness
Is that of...
Read more of this work...
political, betrayal, black african american,
Political Verse
Just Saying My PieceWhen Poetry Soup becomes infested with partisan rubbish,
It will be difficult for liberal, creative poets, like me to flourish
Who seek a safe place...
Read more of this work...
perspective, political,
Political Verse
I Love GunsI love Guns
Guns make us safe
Guns are rights and freedoms
The more guns, the more freedoms we shall bear
Every man woman and child should be armed
Read more of this work...
political, america, angst, death, eulogy,
Political Verse
Paul, Peter and the TweeterPaul, Peter and the Tweeter
Why not choose,
a billionaire leader?
One who is not
an eloquent speaker.
Trouble rises,
he robs Paul to pay Peter.
The bold rich need...
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political, anxiety, celebrity, confusion, environment,
Political Verse
Seed of DestructionFather of all bombs when dropped
five times greater than the mother
Where a fallen angel's dance begins
fornicating with matter darkening subjects
through and...
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political, abortion, anti bullying, bereavement,
Political Verse
Bedlam BluesCain killed Abel on a Monday night
Abel didn’t get a chance to put up much of a fight
Cain said, “am I my brother’s keeper?”...
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political, allegory, funny, murder, mythology,
Political Verse
Quacking CrackersDonald Duck Chancellor of this fowl kingdom
wearing an upside down smile's raging hypocrite backwards
this deranged Duck twitters to and fro as his unhinged...
Read more of this work...
political, anger, conflict, fear, irony,
Political Verse
On the EdgeOn The Edge
He lays flat on the floor
on the edge of his mind's cliff.
Taking notes, he wonders
“Is this life worth living?”
He tries to remember,
tries to...
Read more of this work...
political, angst, community, conflict, desire,
Political Verse
Quacking CrackersDonald Duck Chancellor of this fowl kingdom
wearing an upside down smile's raging hypocrite backwards
this deranged Duck twitters to and fro as his unhinged...
Read more of this work...
political, abuse, betrayal, conflict, deep,
Political Verse
TiptoeTiptoe, tiptoe, what they say is not what they say it is . . .
Cameras rolling, take one, action!
“How stupid can you be?...
Read more of this work...
political, power, presidents day,
Political Verse