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Best List Poems

Below are the all-time best List poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of list poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member How Do I Love Thee - Let Me Count the Ways
and every time i see you it is for the first time 
still my heart skips a beat
and every time we kiss it is our first 

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Categories: love,
Form: List

Premium Member Happiness
Happiness calms like a mother's lullaby.
Happiness is fragile like a butterfly.

Happiness is the first daffodil in spring.
Happiness is listening to a nightingale sing.

Happiness is seeing...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: emotions,
Form: List
Premium Member Love Is
List form also in rhyming couplets:

Love is patience one has with a difficult child.
Love is a man supporting his wife in her trials.
Love is a...

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Categories: love,
Form: List
Premium Member Sapiophile Desire
make love to her mind before you engage her body

melt her with mellifluous metaphors
arouse her with amorous alliterations
romance her with rapturous rhymes
tempt her with tantalizing...

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© Tom Woody  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appreciation,
Form: List
Premium Member Write
“Write I will – until my heart stops – when the pen from my hand finally drops.” by author

I write about love and the beautiful...

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Categories: write,
Form: List

Premium Member Who I Am
My Inventory:

high-performance yo-yo
poetry books
fishing poles
ice-fishing hut
pocket knife
sharpening stones
life's artifacts
Grandpa's Fishing Hat
hope and joy
Guardian Angel
wooden snow-sleds
more poetry books
camping gear
Babar, the Stuffed-Elephant
McCoy Cookie Jars
nature field-guides
ties I don't...

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Categories: life
Form: List
10 Things Every Woman Should Know
Everyone has rolls when they bend over
When someone tells you you're beautiful believe them, they aren't lying
Sometimes we all wake up with breath that could...

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Categories: appreciation, women,
Form: List
Premium Member Vacation Time

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Categories: beach, summer, vacation,
Form: List
Premium Member My New Year's Resolutions: Humor
I have tracked my New Year's Resolutions 
over the years these are my fantastic results.

Resolution One

2011: I will try to be more attentive to Lauren.

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Categories: fun, funny, giggle, humor,
Form: List
Premium Member God's Whispers
An amethyst sunset
splashed across the sky,
a rainbow after a storm;
majestic mountains
crowned with snow,
and a pristine lake
of cobalt blue.
A crimson cardinal
hopping across the lawn,
the purring of...

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Categories: beauty, blessing, god,
Form: List
Top 10 Things My Dogs Have Never Said To Me
Top 10 things my dogs have never said to me.   Ever!

Number 10…"Can we get a cat?"

Number 9…"No,…As a matter of fact I`m not...

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Categories: animal, best friend, dog,
Form: List
Premium Member Great People In My Life
My mother, whom I still can call any day.
My grandparents all long-since passed away.

My dad, deceased, I hardly got to know.
My stepdad who sadly died...

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Categories: memory, people,
Form: List
Premium Member Hospitals Are
Hospitals are designed
(a) to make you appreciate your bed at home
(b) to prompt many unanswerable questions 
(c) to facilitate smooth patient care
(d) to never complain...

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Categories: appreciation, care, conflict, fun,
Form: List
Premium Member Beautiful Flowers
I love pink rose flowers                                          ...

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Categories: beauty, daffodils, purple, red,
Form: List
Premium Member For All the Sweet Lovers
Flying Saucers, Flake, Bar Six
Country Style, Gobstoppers, Twix.

Toffee Crisp and Dairy Crunch
Grand Seville and Milky Lunch.

Arrow Bars and Sherbert Dabs
Caramac and Lucky Bags.

Bluebird Toffee slabs...

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Categories: appreciation, candy, heart, love,
Form: List

Book: Shattered Sighs